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Friday, December 04, 2015

EPA Gave Employee $9,000 in Bonuses After Less Than 90 Days on the Job

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave a new employee $9,000 in bonuses after less than three months on the job.

The agency’s inspector general called the payments “unprecedented” in a new audit, and raised questions about how the EPA’s chief financial officer uses its power to award bonuses.

The EPA intended to give the employee, a director at the Research Triangle Park Finance Center in North Carolina, a third bonus but decided against it after the inspector general began their investigation.

The investigation began after a complaint that the newly hired director was going to be paid $250,000 because they moved for the job. The relocation bonus was not paid, though one manager was “disappointed” the EPA did not spend a quarter of a million dollars to hire the employee.

“However, the Director did receive two individual cash awards of $4,500 each within [three] months of her start date,” the inspector general said.

“[The EPA’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer] OCFO’s unprecedented award of $9,000 in bonuses to a director less than [three] months after being hired raises questions about the reasonableness of the awards and how the OCFO uses the awards process,” they said.

The investigation found that the director was given the first bonus worth $4,500 in May, within six weeks of being hired.

More here


  1. Retired Gov't EmployeeDecember 4, 2015 at 12:15 PM

    no government agency employees should ever get bonuses unless they are given to everyone. Your paycheck is your reward for doing your job. Keeping your job is your reward for doing your job well.

  2. NO government employee should EVER receive any sort of bonus. They don't produce anything, they are not efficient, there is no profit, etc. Government workers are no different than people on EBT, WIC, etc. Handout beneficiaries.

  3. 12:15 ha ha ha, funny, not sure what world you are living in, but that's not quite how life works.

    You paycheck is validation of your slavery to some cheap azz employer who treats you like the slave that you are, ensuring that you never rise above, what he perceives to be the class he wants to keep you in.

    Working for the gov, means you get paid to do virtually nothing and still get promoted.

  4. This particular government employee is very good looking

  5. Departmental discretionary funding. It's sort of like the petty cash drawer for senior leadership. But it's often read (and sometimes is) more like political favoritism within the organization's structure. Most supervisors will deem it an attempt to keep talent when it's allegedly been lured elsewhere for more pay. The same thing happens in the private sector every day, day in and day out.

  6. And nobody in government can figure why we are $18.5 Trillion in debt.

  7. Can you imagine what congress gets? ? Wait until we find that out. Sometime.

  8. And they always say they need more money
    Never enough

  9. Government corruption.


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