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Sunday, December 20, 2015

EMS Responding To Pittsville Elementary/Middle School

Pittsville EMS has been called to the Pittsville Elementary/Middle School for a subject that has been stabbed with a pencil.


  1. Liberals ban together and ban all pencils and pens from schools! (Sic)

  2. This is a sad thing to read, hope the child is not seriously hurt!

  3. They just left. Didn't look like a big deal, somebody came out to talk to them briefly with a kid I think, then went back in.

    Not something to call 911 about, from the way it looked.

  4. why on earth would a child need to take a pencil to school anyway ?

  5. Wonder if you would feel the same if it was your child or grandchild????

    1. Yep.

      No eye injury. No blood. No broken bones. No need to call an ambulance for something that minor. Would be a serious asswhoopin' in the making, though, if my kid was the one who hit someone else with a pencil.

  6. I thought schools used laser writers now,but it is Pittsville.

  7. Future Obama thugs.

    1. Hardly. It's Pittsville Elementary and Middle School, best demographics in the county!

  8. Laser writers? He got stabbed with scissors

  9. Demand back ground checks on all pencil purchasers.

  10. FOR 2:18 High Tech. LASER BEAM can now be used for body damage and for worse. Yes a laser beam unit is really bad if it is the latest Laser unit being used.

  11. @2:43 it clearly says a PENCIL - not SCISSORS!!!!!!

  12. It was horseplay, not a "Stabbing"

  13. Student could have stabbed self by tripping or falling. None of your business unless your child. Go back to worrying about muslims.

  14. What are you guys talking about it was scissors I was there

    1. You get enough time off. Get off the net and do some work! Teachers I swear.

  15. Anonymous said...
    They just left. Didn't look like a big deal, somebody came out to talk to them briefly with a kid I think, then went back in.

    Not something to call 911 about, from the way it looked.

    December 16, 2015 at 1:49 PM

    Bingo! These Morons call 911 for everything and then they use the excuse "well we might be sued." Then they take a Paramedic Unit out of service and the next call may be a non breathing child so they have to wait for the next volunteer ambulance from the next town over then the next thing you know someone's child dies because of 911 abuse from an idiot.

  16. Anonymous said...
    why on earth would a child need to take a pencil to school anyway ?

    December 16, 2015 at 2:00 PM

    To learn to read and write maybe?

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wonder if you would feel the same if it was your child or grandchild????

    December 16, 2015 at 2:14 PM

    Oh here we go again with the stupid excuses to justify the abuse of the 911 system.

  18. Anonymous said...
    FOR 2:18 High Tech. LASER BEAM can now be used for body damage and for worse. Yes a laser beam unit is really bad if it is the latest Laser unit being used.

    December 16, 2015 at 3:02 PM

    Yes laser beams cause blindness and that is why your stupid but goes to jail if you aim it at an airplane or a helicopter.

  19. Anonymous said...
    @2:43 it clearly says a PENCIL - not SCISSORS!!!!!!

    December 16, 2015 at 3:04 PM

    So what!!! Maybe when they got there they found the instrument to be scissors and not a pencil. Duh, that does happen after the dispatch.

  20. That stupid Wicomico County Emergency Services (911) dispacthes anything causing a puncture wound as a stabbing.

    They also dispatch anything involving a knife as a stabbing. Many times someone cuts another person or slices them and it is a very minor laceration they dispatch it as a "Stabbing" knowing darn well it is not a stabbing and they dispatch one or two ambulances and a fire truck.

    In Salisbury if Wicomico Central dispatches a minor laceration as a "stabbing" you will get a Command vehicle with and "assistant chief," Car 2 with another assistant chief, on nights and weekends you will get another brand new Ford Explorer SUV as "Assistant Chief 2," a fire engine and an ambulance. Sometimes you get 2 ambulances and or 2 fire engines. Way more firemen than paramedics.

    So this may be a typical response for a bullcrap laceration in Salisbury, I mean "Stabbing." Yes it happens all the time when they self dispatch and Central lets them do it.

    Assistant Chief 1(Command SUV with paid assistant fire chief)
    Car 2 (paid assistant chief in staff Crown Vic)
    Assistant Chief 2(Volunteer or paid Asst. Chief in New SUV)
    Paramedic 1(Paid ambulance crew)
    Paramedic 16(Paid ambulance crew)
    Engine 1(Fire engine with qualified volunteers)
    Engine 16(Fire engine with 5 paid firemen)
    Sometimes 16 to 20 people for a minor cutting the the 911 center is well aware of it not being an emergency.

    Welcome to da 'Bury

  21. May God be with all of you. My child goes to school there and in the elementry side and this frightens me. It was scissors as it was sent by email to parents and a phone call. You never know what happened or who is involved. Shame on the ones that say not serious. Anything that does not seem serious could very well be very serious. such as if bad parents do things infront of their children or if a child is frustrated and not sure of the way to release their frustration due to family troubles.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Student could have stabbed self by tripping or falling. None of your business unless your child. Go back to worrying about muslims.

    December 16, 2015 at 3:13 PM

    Still doesn't need a 911 ambulance.

    So you detest us good Americans "worrying about muslims?" Typical Dumbocrat!

  23. Anonymous said...
    Demand back ground checks on all pencil purchasers.

    December 16, 2015 at 2:59 PM

    At least on any child or parent that buys more than 1 pencil. IMHO

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What are you guys talking about it was scissors I was there

    December 16, 2015 at 3:14 PM

    Thanks for the update

  25. The schools need to do a better job of identifying violent students and send them somewhere else to protect decent kids.

    1. Pittsville is the safest public school with the most decent kids, around here.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    May God be with all of you. My child goes to school there and in the elementry side and this frightens me. It was scissors as it was sent by email to parents and a phone call. You never know what happened or who is involved. Shame on the ones that say not serious. Anything that does not seem serious could very well be very serious. such as if bad parents do things infront of their children or if a child is frustrated and not sure of the way to release their frustration due to family troubles.

    December 16, 2015 at 3:43 PM

    I will throw down the B.S. flag on this one. Still no need to call an ambulance. I hope you get a $600 ambulance bill.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Demand back ground checks on all pencil purchasers.

    December 16, 2015 at 2:59 PM

    At least on any child or parent that buys more than 1 pencil. IMHO

    December 16, 2015 at 3:54 PM

    Watch out for those "straw purchases."

  28. It was scissors and he jammed his hand into the scissors I was there 5 feet away from it and it was serious it was bleeding really bad so.

  29. You people have nothing better to do but criticize the decision to call an ambulance for an injured child? The officials at the school are there to make that decision. Not your job to second guess them. Go back to watching Dr. Phil. or Judge Judy.

  30. Oh, so it was a self inflicted accident? Not a "Stabbing"?

    FYI, a stabbing involves TWO people, whether it's a pencil, scissors or knife.

    Maybe more gun background checks and closing those "loopholes" in the scissors laws would help!

  31. So a person cannot stab themself? It takes two?

  32. I think every time the school calls an ambulance for anything that the County should bill them $800 for that ambulance call. Same thing with nursing homes. If a Nursing home calls an ambulance for one of their patients they should get the bill and then they have to fight the patient for the money.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You people have nothing better to do but criticize the decision to call an ambulance for an injured child? The officials at the school are there to make that decision. Not your job to second guess them. Go back to watching Dr. Phil. or Judge Judy.

    December 16, 2015 at 4:43 PM

    Since you think the officials at the school are there to make that decision then they should get the ambulance bill then when they don't pay maybe you should pay up Douche Bag!!

  34. It's not a stabbing you morons it's a minor penetrating injury. A "stabbing" per se should be reserved for serious attacks and only an unconscious patient really needs an ambulance. Put a bandage on it and get someone to drive you to the hospital.

    1. Exactly. That's what the "school nurse" is supposed to do.

  35. Charge the brat with "Attempted Murder", and lock him up for 20 years, this will straighten him out.

  36. @9:21 Stop whining about about ambulance bills. Your taxes on a trailer and 1/8 of an acre don't begin to cover the money you have cost the county. It is so sad that people like this are allowed to reproduce, If your kid was in a serious accident and needed a life flight to a trauma center, I would not be here complaining that my tax dollars were wasted on a child most likely would not be more than a minimum wage earner.

    1. You do realize, that taxpayers don't directly foot the bills for emergency trauma center flights to Baltimore, right?

      It's no doubt subsidized to some extent...but if your kid is in a serious accident and needs to be flown up to a trauma center, unless you have excellent medical insurance coverage, you can expect to receive a bill averaging $50,000.

  37. Anonymous said...
    @9:21 Stop whining about about ambulance bills. Your taxes on a trailer and 1/8 of an acre don't begin to cover the money you have cost the county. It is so sad that people like this are allowed to reproduce, If your kid was in a serious accident and needed a life flight to a trauma center, I would not be here complaining that my tax dollars were wasted on a child most likely would not be more than a minimum wage earner.
    December 17, 2015 at 1:38 AM

    What the Heck is a life flight you dumb Moron. You don't even know what goes on in the Emergency Services or what taxes we pay. Since you don't mind paying taxes then please give me your name and number and I will send you my tax bill.

    1. Life flight is the air ambulance service that is used after the state police have already delivered the patient to a hospital and was stabilized then flown to another hospital for further treatment.

  38. I was taught to never run with scissors.

    I guess now I know why!

    It's not the cut on by hand, but the complete unholy overblown hubub of all the "officials" involved!


  39. 8:48 I pay more in real estate taxes than most people earn in a year, especially in Wicomico county. Because your reply simply resorts to name calling and has no substantive value, I dismiss you and your limited intelligence.

  40. 8:40 - Your wealth doesn't determine the value of your opinion. Because if that was the case, Paris Hilton is smarter than you.

  41. It's no doubt subsidized to some extent...but if your kid is in a serious accident and needs to be flown up to a trauma center, unless you have excellent medical insurance coverage, you can expect to receive a bill averaging $50,000.

    You are right but when they can't pay the bill and the state writes it of as bad debt, who pays for it, the taxpayer. I'm not complaining, just stating the facts. Stuff happens and 90% deserve the chance to live even if the cost gets covered by the taxpayers. The other 10% that repeatedly are involved in accidents due to drugs/alcohol/getting shot while robbing someone/dealing drugs, they can take the slow wagon to the hospital.

  42. Anonymous said...
    It was scissors and he jammed his hand into the scissors I was there 5 feet away from it and it was serious it was bleeding really bad so.

    December 16, 2015 at 4:27 PM

    It couldn't have been bleeding really bad. There are no major arteries in the hand you ignorant moron!!

    1. Your the moron. Hands and head bleed like hell.

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:48 I pay more in real estate taxes than most people earn in a year, especially in Wicomico county. Because your reply simply resorts to name calling and has no substantive value, I dismiss you and your limited intelligence.

    December 20, 2015 at 8:40 AM

    Ok Big Shot!! Tell us who you are and where is your Empire so we will know that you pay more taxes than I make. You really must make a lot of money to pay more taxes than "I" earn. Limited intelligence...LMAO. I will match you any day you choose Turd Boy!!

  44. Anonymous said...
    8:40 - Your wealth doesn't determine the value of your opinion. Because if that was the case, Paris Hilton is smarter than you.

    December 20, 2015 at 10:43 AM

    LOL. He is showing off behind the computer, but he is to much of a coward to sign his name. I really doubt he is as wealthy as he pretends to be, but in his own mind it really makes him feel good. I bet he is the one that is living in a cock roach infested home on wheels.

  45. Anonymous said...
    It's no doubt subsidized to some extent...but if your kid is in a serious accident and needs to be flown up to a trauma center, unless you have excellent medical insurance coverage, you can expect to receive a bill averaging $50,000.

    You are right but when they can't pay the bill and the state writes it of as bad debt, who pays for it, the taxpayer. I'm not complaining, just stating the facts. Stuff happens and 90% deserve the chance to live even if the cost gets covered by the taxpayers. The other 10% that repeatedly are involved in accidents due to drugs/alcohol/getting shot while robbing someone/dealing drugs, they can take the slow wagon to the hospital.

    December 20, 2015 at 11:19 AM

    Ageed, but to stay on topic we are talking about the abuse of our 911 system. This is not a stabbing and the nurse or the staff at the school should not have called 911. From now on I believe we should push for a law to allow us to charge the school system for the ambulance calls. Many times the family won't pay and then the ambulance company is stuck with the bill.

  46. Speaking of the stupid 911 center in Wicomico County they just dispatched Stations 3, 15, and 16 for a "Subject trapped in a car wash." on North Fruitland Blvd. The they said a vehicle trapped in a car wash on Fruitland Blvd.

    The Fruitland ambulance got to the scene immediately and got in the back door and then backed the car out for them. No emergency here. What an idiot that we have employed out our 911 center. Our tax dollars at work.

    That dispatcher is the one that keeps dispatching fires and rescues when they really aren't. He is probably the idiot who dispatched a fire truck and an ambulance for a "stabbing" when it was only a puncture wound.


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