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Saturday, December 05, 2015

DOD: Women 'May' Need to Register for Selective Service

(CNSNews) - Following his announcement that he is opening all positions in the U.S. military--including all combat positions--to women who can meet the standards, Defense Secretary Ash Carter was asked on Thursday if that means women will have to register with the Selective Service, just as men must do.

"It may," he said.

A reporter asked Carter, "Mr. Secretary, does this decision now lead to a -- a greater debate about whether women need to register for Selective Service?"

"It may do that, Phil," Carter replied. "That is a matter of legal dispute right now, and in fact, litigation. So...I don't know how that will turn out.

"I--by the way-- the legal, that legal determination won't affect what I announce today; that is, our timetable for the implementation of the decisions I've announced today. But it is an issue that's out there. Unfortunately, it's subject to litigation."



  1. Talk about a war on women.

  2. Please. Today's women do just about everything a man do. So, don't discriminate. Make them register for selective service. It's only fair.

  3. Why wouldn't they need to register if all positions are open now? Seems to me they now have a mechanism to address the Voter ID question going forward. It should be automatic when a person turns 18 to confirm their address and register for selective service. Register them to vote at the same time. A check can be made and a photo id issued if they don't already have one.

  4. A few women want to pretend they are men the 99.999999 percent don't want to be drafted.

  5. Equal pay, equal rights...... Equal risk, equal sacrifice. Cheers Femimorons.


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