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Friday, December 11, 2015

Delmarva Power Reminds Customers of ‘Gift of Energy’ Program


  1. I wanna know who the people were with pretend badges coming around saying they were from Delmarva Power but weren't Delmarva Power asking 'how long I've lived here" and did I want to sign up to have "rate locked in."

    Um, locked in rate? They weren't Delmarva Power and they were going door-to-door pair of men trying to flash badges they knew I wasn't buying. They didn't linger or push it, hurried off to try my neighbor.

    Anyone else seeing these folks show up at your door?

  2. Tidewaterbound we posted a press release about it last week. Here is the link about it. Hope it helps.


  3. gift of power? what a freaking joke, how about they lower their rates for all of us? I already gave, through my taxes which are highjacked to pay for those on the dole!

  4. where do I sign up for receiving?

  5. The gift of power. After all those big flat screen TVs use lots of juice in the section 8 housing

  6. Delmarva power is a criminal enterprise.


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