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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Defense Rests in Porter Trial; Journalists Ejected For Trying To Record Video In Court

The defense has rested its case in the trial of Officer William Porter.

The defense presented 12 witnesses over three days before resting its case just before 12:30 this afternoon.

Judge Barry Williams dismissed the jury of seven women and five men for the weekend.

After a one hour hearing with attorneys to discuss jury instructions recessed court until Monday at 9 a.m., when the jury will receive instructions and hear closing arguments.

If there are no further legal issues, the jury could begin deliberating as soon as Monday afternoon.

Today, the defense called four character witnesses including Porter’s Mother Helena, who called her someone "who likes to keep the peace and is a peacemaker."



  1. Our police officers did nothing wrong this I just another Obama lynching against cops and a pro thug agenda,
    Lock and load for the Not Guilty verdict. )

  2. The police should help develop local armed militias to help aid them.

  3. Who is gonna be the scapegoat ? More then likely one of the white cops.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The police should help develop local armed militias to help aid them.

    December 12, 2015 at 10:29 AM

    all that could be avoided if the police just followed the law.

  5. all that could be avoided if the police just followed the law.

    December 12, 2015 at 1:07 PM

    What law was broken?

  6. What law was broken?

    December 12, 2015 at 3:09 PM


  7. Exactly! WHAT LAW WAS BROKEN and I expect an answer and not omg! So tell us now exactly what law was broken.
    I have news for you-you won't be able to tell us because FYI NO LAW was broken.

  8. " Anonymous said...

    What law was broken?

    December 12, 2015 at 3:09 PM


    December 12, 2015 at 5:32 PM"

    Again, what law was broken? Don't "omg" us, simply tell us what law was broken.

  9. That Mosby's a POS. She's in the same league as Obama. It's so easy to see why the black race is in a shambles and why they are killing each other off like they are. What they choose for leaders and idolize if they had an ounce of morals they would be ashamed of themselves. Their heads would be dragging the ground in shame. They need not dare wonder why all the crime in their neighborhoods. They just need to take an honest, long and hard look in a mirror for the answer.

  10. I know this isn’t really on the main topic, but after hearing the full extent of his injuries I do have some questions regarding the ethics of physicians who would perform surgery one someone who obviously wasn’t going to survive, couldn't survive.


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