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Saturday, December 19, 2015

County Employees Get Free Fitness Room Perk

SNOW HILL – The Worcester County Commissioners approved two measures designed to improve the health of county employees this week.

On Tuesday the commissioners agreed to ban the use of e-cigarettes, essentially any type of electronic delivery device like vaporizers, within county buildings. They also voted unanimously to provide county employees with free access to the new fitness center at the Worcester County Recreation Center in Snow Hill.

“I’m personally thrilled for the new addition,” said Stacey Norton, the county’s human resources director. “I know I plan on using this. Speaking with our employees, there’s a lot of interest. In accordance with our wellness plan, I think it’s important we provide opportunities for our employees to utilize this service.”

Norton said many employees had expressed interest in the new fitness room that is the highlight of the 6,000-square-foot addition to the county’s recreation center. She said if employees were given free access to the room, interest might increase in the array of health-related programs offered at the recreation center.



  1. Never see this in Wicomico County unless in GOB.

  2. Who's it for?? The boss and cronies? ?

  3. Why should I the taxpayer have to pay and employees who live outside the county and my taxes pay their wages go for free

  4. maybe to make the employees healthier and thus save on insurance premiums

  5. Once again, what has been going on in civilized areas for years, finally makes it to the e astern shore and people complain about it. My tax dollars...yeah yeah whatever, it's still cheaper than paying the health premiums for obese smokers with diabetes. Maybe y'all don't understand how policy premiums are set. It is based on the experience rating of the group. The group has a majority of people with poor lifestyle choices = higher premiums. This has nothing to do with obamacare insurance - this is employer/group plans.

  6. 8:00 yup, and now because of the obamascare, healthy people are forced to pay a portion of the medical bills for people who make unhealthy lifestyle choices, or those who are forced to live unhealthily because of financial constraints.

  7. Worcester County pays 90% of the health insurance premiums for its employees. Wish I had a deal like that!

  8. @8:00 I'm a republican ans do not know one person that has obamacare. That is for people that didn't have insurance from their employer or their spouse's employer. That is how all insurance works. Go drivers never have a claim and bad drivers have claims and their insurance goes up but everyone who pays in is paying for bad drivers. Same with healthcare.


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