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Thursday, December 03, 2015

Concerned citizen didn’t report shooter’s suspicious behavior for OUTRAGEOUS reason

While yesterday’s bloodbath in San Bernardino took most of us by surprise, we’re learning that there indeed were visible clues leading up to the incident — which, if heeded, potentially could have prevented unspeakable tragedy.

As authorities continue to investigate the home tied to one of the suspects, Syed Farook, one man who reportedly worked near the home is saying he’d grown suspicious of activity surrounding the home leading up to yesterday’s massacre.

So, you ask, why didn’t this concerned citizen report the suspicious activity to authorities — who may have then been able to investigate and potentially avert tragedy? The man reportedly didn’t want to appear racist.



  1. PC is the liberals tool of censorship because if you don't agree with them they don't want you to have til he right to speak..

  2. This person should feel real bad right now for not having any balls which is what most Democrats don't have.

  3. I would.like to know why the media is not showing the female shooters face. Is it out of some kind of custom respect?

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I would.like to know why the media is not showing the female shooters face. Is it out of some kind of custom respect?

    December 3, 2015 at 10:09 PM

    its probably shot to hell now and before she wore one of those veils.

  5. Obama was responsible for these Murders

  6. If this guy would have said anything, he would be in jail or charged for some form of racial profiling. That is once the two now dead suspects returned from a visit at the white house just like ole "clock boy".

  7. Did she have a driver's license? Passport?

  8. Obama has murdered more people while in office than all murders combined in all cities. The Edi Amin of this generation

  9. Whistle blowers are generally not believed by police or other services and their is always the fear of retaliation. Believe me their are all kinds of things we see as neighbors things we don't feel are right but the police do tell them in Salisbury who reported them, or point or nod to the correct neighbor. I know myself I have even mentioned hints to the landlords and they don't care until their $ stops then they come asking if you saw or know something can help get them out sooner. We have had ICE and FBI agents in our neighborhood break into homes that we knew their was a bad element there, right here in Salisbury.


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