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Sunday, December 06, 2015

‘Clock Boy’ Ahmed Homesick in Qatar, Wants to Come Back to Texas

Within days of demanding a total of $15 million from the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District, “Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed announced in a long distance phone interview from Qatar, he is homesick and wants to come home to Texas now.

In October, Ahmed accepted a fully-funded education scholarship from the Qatar Foundation, an organization with reputed ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, over an invitation to MIT, which is among the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the world. The family announced they would relocate to Qatar to accommodate his education, which they did.



  1. $15 million worth of homesick, he is.

    He and his family orchestrated this incident into a media bonanza, but now they want to come back...to someplace so crushingly bigoted and intolerant that they fled for their lives, so they could worship without persecution.

    Oh wait...nope.

    They thought the move to Qatar would bring them to a place where their "victimhood" would be celebrated, while they collected their demand a $15 million jizya from the American kuffar.

    Turns out that life in Qatar sucks.

    I wish their American citizenship was revoked the minute they mmigrated to SandLand.

  2. Hahaha. Another whinny Muslim. Indoctrination not going well?? Maybe he became a boy toy for someone.

  3. Leave him there...or send him to prison for terrorism - along with his buddy Barry!

  4. BS ! He now has the full training to build exploding clocks and wants to come back and kill Christians !

  5. Texas says we'll let you come back but it will cost you $25 million.

  6. Clock-med must have found out they were going to make him strap the bombs around his waist!

  7. Stay there you pos.

  8. "he is homesick and wants to come home to Texas now."

    Not just no, but

    HELL NO!

  9. Good. Stay where you are.

  10. Big NO,wrapped in bacon.

  11. No come back here you hear!

  12. ...wrapped in Bacon!"


  13. I can assure you Texas is not his home!

  14. Anonymous said...
    Leave him there...or send him to prison for terrorism - along with his buddy Barry!

    December 1, 2015 at 3:23 PM

    Speaking of boy toy and Barry I am wondering in Hussein violated him when he visited the White House??

  15. Such hatred for a kid that is smarter at 13 then you have ever been. A good example of how you can't fix stupid.

    1. It's not hatred for a smart kid. It's disgust, outrage and weariness from the incessant ploys for some kind of "oppressed victim" status the Muslims keep setting up. They're more sophisticated at playing the boo-hoo card than the blacks.

      A kid who takes the plastic case off an old digital clock, fastens it to the inside of a small suitcase, and takes it to school doesn't qualify as any kind of genious.

      And now the kid is whining that life sucks as a "real" Muslim in Qatar.


  16. Anonymous said...
    Such hatred for a kid that is smarter at 13 then you have ever been. A good example of how you can't fix stupid.

    December 1, 2015 at 10:54 PM

    No my hatred is for ignorant people like you. You and many other soft hearted libtards are the problem in this country. What makes you think he was smarter than us? He made a poor attempt at building a time bomb and if it was a "clock" it was an even worse attempt. So now who is the smarter one!!

    I can't wait till these little Muslims start blowing themselves up in America and I really hope it's people like you they hurt first.

    1. That's really taking it a little too far.

  17. I can't imagine that anyone would welcome him & his family.

  18. 12:28 I am a republican and don't live in MD. You are a republican living in a democratic state and don't sound either smart or educated. Before you start with the Hogan is gov. stuff, there have been what 3 republican governors in 50 years and the electoral college always goes democrat in MD. Your votes for president don't even count but you run around chant Trump for president. It really is sad. Please refrain from reproducing.

  19. That p.o.s. family is never welcome back here. If they really liked this country, they would have not filed such a ridiculous law suit.

  20. Building a clock is mot anything special. You can buy a kit from radio shack and build one in 10 min. I dont know why everyone is making a big deal about it. He is just being used by the idiot liberals to try and make americans look bad and muslims look hood. Our ridiculous court system will play along. Stop playing into it.

  21. Too bad. You bought him, you keep him. Maybe we'll see him again if he becomes a jihadist, but I hope that he has more sense than that.
    Keep in mind that the parents (father) is making the decisions here, not the kid.


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