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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Clinton: 'Guns...Will Not Make Americans Safer'

(CNSNews.com) - Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed guns for "delivering the violence that stalks us" at Saturday's Democrat debate.

"Guns, in and of themselves, in my opinion, will not make Americans safer. We lose 33,000 people a year already to gun violence, arming more people to do what I think is not the appropriate response to terrorism," Clinton said.

Debate moderator Martha Raddatz noted that Clinton, in the wake of the San Bernardino attack, repeated her call for gun control: "But our latest poll shows that more Americans believe arming people, not stricter gun laws, is the best defense against terrorism. Are they wrong?" Raddatz asked Clinton.

"Well, I think you have to look at both the terrorism challenge that we face abroad and certainly at home, and the role that guns play in delivering the violence that stalks us," Clinton replied.



  1. Hillary pooped herself during the debate nuff said.

  2. Hillary will protect us

  3. If she really believes that, she should get rid of her "armed" guards! What a hypocrite.

  4. Really? OK Hillary...then disarm your secret service detail. Sorry to bring reality unto your pack of lies.

  5. What a lying goofball. The only person I can think of that is a true example of that statement is Vince Foster. He shot himself in the back of the head, had the gun in the opposite hand that he wrote with, and dragged his dead body into Marcy Park.

  6. guns in the hands of kops and rouge military will NOT keep us safe. maybe that is what she is referring to

  7. Some of those 33,000 will not be missed.

  8. I do not believe the 33,000 number.

    1. more than 60% of that number are suicides. They don't count. They use the number to substantiate their agenda.

  9. lets start with her first and see how that turns out

  10. She needs to lead by example, give up all her armed security.

  11. She certainly didn't seem to think in Bengazi (sp).
    Tell you what. I'll keep my guns and take my chances.

  12. And yet she shrouds herself with them. Can you explain that one for me.

  13. She promises free health care free education free food and no guns...Sounds like prison to me.

  14. she is wrong again, for 2015 it was 12,962 of witch 80+% were killed in a major city or state where you cant even own a gun, and the rest where defensive use or police involved or home invasions, she needs to go to some of the major citys and ask them how its working for them, or maybe martin Omalley can tell us one more time how he fixed balt, and by the way it was only 326 mass killings, witch by the way is only .0000011 of the people in the usa, more people died from falling than that, so tired of the bull....

  15. All will be safe...promise?!?!??December 23, 2015 at 9:24 PM

    I agree....take her security detail guns away...take Obama security detail guns away....

  16. Had it not been for a gun, I wouldn't be alive today. And the guy who tried to kill us would be.


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