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Saturday, December 05, 2015

Climate report details erosion, rising sea levels on Delmarva

Whether it’s Assateague Island or Ocean City on the eastern side or Smith Island to its west, the Delmarva Peninsula is taking on water and while beach replenishment — among other climate change countermeasures — are having an effect, recent studies cited a new federal report say it’s time to do more.

“Changing climate has its consequences for parks, for people and for the planet,” Liz Davis, interpretation and education chief at the National Seashore, said. “The parks are responding. The choices we make now can avoid catastrophe in the future.”

Released last week in conjunction with the 21-nation climate change conference taking place in Paris were the results of 24 case studies of several different parks, including Assateague and Yellowstone.



  1. rising seas at assategue? that is crap. that article was a waste of paper and electronic storage space.

  2. The barrier islands of OC and assateague are supposed to wear away. Thats what barrier islands do. Us humans by doing beach replenishment are affecting nature in the wrong way. Erosion is part of the natural process as is climate "change". Climate has been changing for billions of years without human intervention and will continue to change for billions more. It is ridiculous to think we have any major climate altering affect.

  3. That's crazy talk 10:19. We all know that god created earth and all the animals on it and it has not been billions of years. That science stuff is crap.

  4. shorelines are not SUSTAINABLE!

  5. by that logic, a person also shouldn't take medicine since this is simply the nature of things...don't dare interfere in nature's system..sorry kid that cancer must run its course....gimme a break...

  6. The arrogance of man never ceases to amaze me. God Almighty, my Heavenly Father created the heavens and the earth and all that is in it. God alone controls the climate; NOT fallen man, Not arrogant man, NOT man period!!!

  7. Last night on the news they were talking about how chrystal clear the Chesapeake Bay has become.Scientists are at a loss for why that is,but it is.

  8. Water level is raised when you sink junk in the sea for barrier reefs. Does this not also effect the temperature of the water? Use common sense. This will never be acknowledged as a contributing factor. Why is this metal etc. not recycled? Government and Liberals wants every household to recycle. They even want to fine / tax you if you don't.

  9. 5:25 Go ask the owner of whatever company you work for if you can come over to his home next summer and throw a 100 pennies in his in the ground pool. Measure the water line before and after.

  10. The water is rising!
    Oh let's all panic

  11. The coast is always changing the climate hoax has been debunked.


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