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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Clearly, We Need More Shame And Judgment In Our Society

This is what happens when you don’t have enough shame and judgment.

His name is Paul Wolscht. Paul is a 52-year-old pervert, a “transgender” activist, and a “trans consultant” from Canada who was recently given a glowing profile in a gay news site whose name and web address I will not promote. He is, just like every other “transgender,” a homosexual cross dresser and clinical narcissist who wears skirts and makeup because he finds it sexually stimulating (underscored in this case by the fact that his chosen girl name is, I’m not kidding, “Stefonknee”), but there is one detail about Paul that makes him somewhat unique. You see, our hero isn’t just a “transgender” — he’s a “transager.”

A while after getting married and fathering seven children, Paul realized he’s actually a girl. A 6-year-old girl, to be precise. Upon arriving at this scientific conclusion, he abandoned his family and went to live with a couple of deviants who “adopted” him as their son. It will come as no surprise that he has a sexual relationship with his “adopted father.”



  1. I first only glanced at the photo and thought that it was a promo picture for a Saturday Night Live skit.

  2. ...there's a reason liberalism is sometimes referred to as a mental disorder.

  3. that's the problem. people who don't understand what the bible says about judgement thinks we are not supposed to judge at all, which is not true.

    but they like to repeat that lie, and others, so they think they can do whatever they want with no repercussions.

  4. Maybe someone should slap that six year old and tell em to grow the hell up. In better days. These people will be locked up in mental institutions. It screams sicko

  5. When Sharia comes he will be shamed buried up to his neck and stoned by the faithful

  6. This what the Progressives and their media has turned America's men into.

  7. When we accept this demented behavior as normal, think about the message it sends our kids?

  8. 3:06 he is canadian but don't let facts in the article get in your way.....

  9. We can't even get shame and condemnation for juvenile criminals! Publish the little bastards names and photo's, and see how things change for the better.

  10. This is just wrong on soooo many levels.


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