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Thursday, December 03, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: US military to open all combat jobs to women

Defense Secretary Ash Carter announces plan to open all combat jobs to women, the Associated Press reports.


  1. This has nothing to do with "empowering" women and everything to do with Obama's and the liberal deep, deep hatred of the military. They want to demoralize and destroy our young men's desire to join and fight.

  2. They still have to pass the course.....

    If they make the current courses easier - they WILL be putting troops - potentially our sons and daughters at greater risk for lowering the standards.

    I'm glad I can say that I didn't vote for a single one of these dip-$h!ts....unfortunately, too many low-informed-voters did......

    Retired US Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant

  3. The days of combat troops are quickly coming to an end with the exception of special ops going after intel or high value targets. However, i sympathize with those that still want women at home in the kitchen rather than the boardroom.

  4. Male soldiers need women to snuggle with in their sleeping bags during those really cold nights.I'm all for it!!

    1. You would probably get the ugly one

    2. It's okay. I'm ugly, too.

  5. What happens when she is on a period?

  6. Then they should be eligible for the draft, fair is fair

    1. Agreed. Cards at 18. All or none.

  7. She uses a tampon, idiot.
    And learns how to bury the used ones when in the field.

  8. Haven't they been doing this in Israel for decades?

  9. Few will be able to go complete training to be in special forces.

  10. Woman are NOT EQUIPPED for combat!!! I am one so I can say there is no way in hell I could fight off a 6'2 250 lb man. End of story! Women do not belong there! Secondly, because physically I can't do that...that would mean that I would put my fellow soldiers in harm way!


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