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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Chicago mayor fires police superintendent

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel fires Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy amid claims of a police coverup in the shooting death of Laquan McDonald, 17, by Officer Jason Van Dyke. The police department had refused until last week to release a dashcam video of the shooting, for which Van Dyke has been charged with murder.


  1. too bad Fox News was too timid to use the word "FIRED", I guess "steps downs" is much less confrontational

  2. Hahaha. Typical libitard mayor blaming someone else for his failure. Just like his old POS boss.

  3. What are they going to do hire a guy that won't allow police to do there jobs? The police are way to lax.

  4. So now who is going to fire the Mayor? He also needs to go.

  5. Chiraq is going to blame the White police chief really ??? No one cares about the 900 murders and thousands of black on black shootings. Nothing but a liberal diversion. If the cop was wrong charge him. Why blame all cops or the Chief for that matter. Under that logic Emanuel needs to go. Oh that's right he is a Democrat they never fall on the sword. They never except blame. Just look at Baltimore more of the same old tired song. If all Americans regardless of color started caring and getting involved we would not have this problem. Sad times indeed. Time for all Americans to call for peace. Kids killing kids 400 to 1 over cop shootings anyone else see a problem.

  6. Chicago doesn't need police, the animals there police themselves


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