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Friday, December 11, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Carson threatens to bolt from the GOP if party leaders manipulate convention

GOP presidential contender Ben Carson said Friday he would consider bolting from the party if Republican leaders try to steer the party’s nomination toward a candidate of their liking in a “brokered” convention.

Mr. Carson’s warning followed a report in The Washington Post that said establishment leaders are growing increasingly concerned about Donald Trump’s hard-charging bid for the GOP nomination.

The Post reported that GOP officials and establishment figures shared their concerns with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus at a dinner and urged him to be prepared to lay groundwork for the possibility of a floor fight at the convention if Mr. Trump performs well in the primaries, but not well enough to wrap up the nomination in a first-ballot vote.

That scenario would open the door to a “brokered” convention, where the establishment could coalesce around an alternative to Mr. Trump, the report said.

Mr. Priebus did not endorse the idea, The Post reported.

“If this was the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace it with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party,” Mr. Carson said in a statement Friday.



  1. Trump will never get the nomination. He will run as independent and Hillary will win the election.

    1. Well if that happens you can thank the GOP#! NO TRUMP. NO VOTE. SIMPLE AS THAT.

  2. Lindsey Graham actually said he'd rather have Hillary Clinton win before Donald Trump what a POS.

  3. Trump/Carson for 2016 with some Ted Cruz in the cabinet. Sounds like the dream ticket to me.

  4. The GOP is over. Trump & Carson need to start their own Party and take this election over!

  5. I watched a live interview with Carson on TV tonight. He said he would not run as an independent but he would not be part of the corruption in the GOP. I give the man a lot of credit for telling it like it is. The GOP is done. We need a strong 3rd party to hell with the Democrats and Republicans.

  6. I'm with him . Neither party wants a politician they can't buy.


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