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Monday, December 14, 2015

Brawl Ensues at the DMV After Irate Woman Kicks Police Officer

Nobody likes a trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles, but this woman takes her DMV hatred to the next level.

In video posted to Facebook by Victoria Nascimento, a woman appears to argue with staff for reasons that aren't entirely clear before the fed up personnel asked a police officer to escort her from the building, WSVN reports.

The woman, identified by police as 31-year-old Eleanor Stern, doesn't feel like leaving quite yet. In the shocking video, Stern first appears to respond with outrage to the officer's requests that she leave.

When the officer takes Stern by the arm to lead her from the premises, she appears to kick him as other customers in the Deerfield Beach office gasp in shock.



  1. PMS....DMV....OMG!!!

  2. The freaking Left Wing Nut Libtards and the Liberal media has created this problem by making cops look bad and making it look like it is ok to attack a police officer. A war is coming my friends.

  3. This is no doubt my x wife.

  4. She probably deserved to get arrested. Or maybe not. Police officers routinely escalate situations to the point where they are able to charge you with disturbing or disrupting the peace. "The policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder." Right, Mayor Daly?

    Now, the two fat lazy DMV workers, typical of government employees should have helped this woman to get an ID as she clearly states she didn't have one and hers was probably lost, stolen, etc. Instead of being helpful and deescalating the situation, they throw up that feigned indignation. "Un uh, um um.

    Get over it. You work in customer service. You deal with customers. They have difficulties. DMV is a pain in the neck. I hope these lazy fat cows get fired. Lots of people would be happy to have your job and know how to help people.

    As for the cop and the woman. We need to figure out a better way to interact. The cop put his hands on her. Now all your thin blue liners, take a breath. I know when a cop places their hands on you, you are now under their custody. Not my first day! However, I don't blame a woman for fighting off a man who is touching her. If he wasn't a cop, that would be assault. The whole thing got out of hand, on ALL sides.

  5. 1:42
    Cops already look bad on their own. They don't help looking bad.

    They enforce unconstitutional statutory laws against the sovereign people.

  6. 236 you like to engage in conflicting conversation... Good thing for the world your opionin doesn't mean anything.

  7. 345 the person in above comments are saying ridiculous things to get people mad.

  8. It's usually me, but my friend's husband is away for work this week and I been busy all afternoon..

  9. As long as the DMV employees were following established procedures, it is not their responsibility to "help" her get proper ID.

    Most of us have dealt with the never ending paper clusterf*ck at the DMV. It's a catch-22 no matter what you walk in there with, no matter how prepared you are l, how confident you have every last paper, signed and notarized, document, bill of sale, release, authorization, waiver, confirmation, documentation, copy, verification, statement, official registration, title or certification...you will be baaaccxkkkk....

  10. Well, if she's asking for an I.D. because she doesn't have any form of identification, it may seem perfectly logical to her ignorant arse that the DMV should just give her one.

    However, without proof of who you are, the DMV cannot give you one.

    PMS takes over, and then she gets her arse kicked.

    No problem.



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