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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Black Pastor: ‘The Liberal Media’ Doesn’t Know The Real Trump

Dr. Darrell Scott, Pastor of New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, said the Monday meeting between black pastors and Donald Trump was a “meaningful dialogue… and we voiced concerns that were sensitive to the African-American community.”

Scott, speaking at Trump Tower in New York City said, “I didn’t have concerns [with Trump] because I was already convinced, but there were concerns that the liberal media has put out portraying Mr. Trump in a light that I know he’s not the type of person he was depicted to be. So what we were able to do today was allow to see his heart for themselves and to make up their own minds about him. And they find out that he’s not the person that the media has depicted him to be.”

Scott explained, “We had a very productive, constructive meeting... we had a wonderful time, a wonderful dialogue, wonderful fellowship, wonderful interaction. It was a great day.”

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