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Friday, December 11, 2015

Benghazi Family Hits Back: Hillary Clinton Lied About Us To George Stephanopoulos

Kate Quigley, sister of Glen Doherty, one of the four murder victims of the September 11 terror attack against our Benghazi consulate in Libya in 2012, accused Hillary Clinton oflying to George Stephanopoulos about what the former Secretary of State told her and other grieving Benghazi family members.

During her Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week, Clinton said outright that she never told the Benghazi families that an anti-Muslim YouTube video caused the terror attack that resulted in the deaths of their loved ones.

In other words, Clinton accused these family members of lying.

Stephanopoulos asked her point blank, “Did you tell them it was about the film?”

Clinton flat-out denied it.

“No,” she said. “You know, look, I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans.”



  1. She has always been a liar.

  2. were her lips moving?

  3. Here she goes again, rewriting history before the ink is dry.

  4. Has this woman have no shame?

  5. It was on the television when the bodies in caskets were brought back to this country. When the liar in chief, and his chirpy secretary repeated it was because of the video.

  6. Folks we're in trouble,

  7. Hillary has lied so much she believes her lies. Her heart has hardened. The Bible even speaks about this type of person. Of course you should NEVER trust or believe anyone like this. She is very dangerous.

  8. Please put this witch in jail

  9. The truth is just like Obama if those lips are moving she is lying. When will America wake up and realize that neither one of them care about the American people. The only thing they care about is lining there own pockets at our expense!! It wouldn't surprise me it both are not get paid on the side from Muslim country's !!! Wake up they've sold us down the road!!!!!

  10. come to think of it Hillary would definitely look better with a rag over her face


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