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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

AZ Sheriff Babeu: We’ve Had 10,000 Unaccompanied Juveniles In Two Months, Obama Admin Says ‘Border Is Wide Open’

Pinal County, AZ Sheriff and Congressional candidate Paul Babeu (R) stated, “just the last two months alone, we’ve had 10,000 unaccompanied juveniles” who are “staying here” and that “the Obama administration says the border is wide open, that there is no law it comes to immigration” on Monday’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” on the Fox Business Network.

Babeu said, “just the last two months alone, we’ve had 10,000 unaccompanied juveniles, and also with some family members. And the arms are open, and that’s the message that’s been sent. The last wave, 100,000 from Central America and–.”

He added, “We’re a compassionate nation. We always have been. And this is where I’m tired of being shouted down by President Obama, like somehow we’re not good Americans if we don’t do everything that he says we should to do. And we’ve had a million legal immigrants last year, and we do this every year.” Babeu continued, “I think it’s the most compassionate thing we can do, is reunite them with their families in Central America. What America should be doing is finding ways to solve the problems of violence in Central America, support their governments, because if we don’t solve that core problem, this isn’t going to end. We’re going to have this problem next month, next year, and then we own these people, and all the social network to support them for their entire lives. Because if you think that these kids are going anywhere, think again. They’re staying here.”



  1. Our Country can not handle the financial issue of supporting these people. Obama knows this and it was in his plan to begin with. Hold on to your guns and ammo folks, it's gona get nasty.

  2. Our country is done. No rules anymore, so stop obeying Obongo's rules.

  3. looks like we are all gonna have to get a part time job in addition to our full time job to help these folks. your welcome obama we are here to help

  4. At least we're not at war with Mexico.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    At least we're not at war with Mexico.

    December 22, 2015 at 8:49 PM

    you are being sarcastic right? We ARE at war with me chico and have been for quite some time. not the usual definition of war but war just the same. from the drugs going through, kidnappings in our states, nationals coming here legally and illegally committing crimes, abusing our kindness and our benefits while condemning us etc.

    the is a culture of hate brewing in this world, I know this because I am the nicest person you would ever meet and I am slowly changing to hate people more than usual.


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