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Monday, December 14, 2015

Amnesty Activists Launch Campaign to Naturalize Immigrants, Register Them to Vote

Amnesty activists are engaged in a new effort to encourage immigrants in the U.S. to naturalize and register to vote.

The Latino Victory Foundation and the National Partnership for New Americans launched the New American Democracy Campaign this week in an effort to increase immigrant participation in elections.

The government estimates there are about 8.8 million legal permanent residents who are eligible to apply for naturalization. According to the groups that launched the NADC Thursday, their goal is to increase the rate of naturalization in 2016 by 38 percent so that 1 million immigrants to become citizens next year.

Once citizens, NADC plans to assist the newly eligible with voter registration. Additionally the group will be encouraging the citizen children of immigrants to register and vote as well.

NADC organizers cited the recent political rhetoric as a mobilizing factor that compels those immigrants — and Latinos in particular — who are eligible to vote.

“Our community is under attack and our future is at stake,” Cristóbal J. Alex, Latino Victory Foundation president, said in a statement. “Now more than ever it’s important that those who are able to naturalize do so and make their voices heard at the polls.

More here


  1. I don't think anyone who comes to this country, then goes on welfare, should be eligible for naturalization. Once they have proved themselves to be productie, and willing and capable of contributing their share towards this country, then they can proceed with their eligibility. There need to be some standards, as to whom we take, with respect to the greater good of all, as well as immigrants in the future.

  2. First lets throw those who are illegal out. Then those that have followed the rules get a chance at becoming citizens. It is crazy we do not follow the law.

  3. "there community is under attack", no our country is under attack by a bunch of illegal aliens

  4. George Soros is pouring lots of money into this..

  5. NO illegal immigrant or refugee should be allowed to go on welfare paid for by the taxpaying citizens of America. If we don't Stop all this non-sense very soon; this country will be doomed. This system is so wrong and broken. The government has no clue how many (in any category) are really here. They don't know where they are and yet sending out checks (dollars from you and me) every month to people who shouldn't be receiving any money, period.

  6. You can kiss this country good by and even the Democrats will be disappointed and to stupid to know what happened.


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