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Friday, December 11, 2015

American Women In Combat


  1. She don't belong on the battle field.

  2. I happen to agree! In combat. ..how can a woman drag another American soldiers over their shoulder out of heavy fire etc etc. I'm a woman so I can say that I would be a liability!

  3. Women are not physically or emotionally capable of dealing with life and death on the battlefield. If you think PTSD is a problem now with our male veterans, go ahead and send someone's daughter, mother, sister, in the line of fire, you're not prepared for the likes of mental disorders that will arise from this fiasco.

  4. I believe that women should not be in combat, not be a police officer, not be a guard at a prison, not be a firefighter. Women do not have the same strength that a man does. I am a woman and I have seen females in the fire service and they are worthless. The men always have to do twice the work, because the female can't handle the physical part. That is 100% true.

  5. I have personally been in over 14 combat missions. The average person does not get to meet a seal, Marine Corps force recon army ranger in their lifetime. When they are in your prime there is no female on the face of this earth that can even come close to doing what they can do.

  6. 9:48...I might agree on the physical (the carrying of other soldiers), but definitely not on the emotional. Women have risked their lives to save their children, even pets, in fires, deal in emergency rooms every day, take bullets and lose their lives as cops and firefighters. Many a Vietnam Vet survived due to nurses in the MASH units. Saying women aren't equipped emotionally is the biggest b.s. I've heard in a long time. When the baby poops or pukes, many a man has run out of the room.

  7. They belong in the home cooking, cleaning and raising more inbreed morons.

  8. Any nation that sends its women into battle is in serious social decline. How pathetic. Welcome to Sodom and Gommorah.

  9. I thought Muslims didn't get their virgins if killed by a woman. Anyone confirm?

  10. 11:24 - like you?
    11:39 - Israel? Mandatory service for men and women. Including combat.

    I can guarantee you that I can shoot, carry a comrade, complete a mission better, faster than any of you internet trolls. An probably better than 95% of the recruits that are signing up.


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