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Sunday, December 06, 2015

A Letter To The Editor 12-5-15


The following is a copy of an email I sent to the governor of Maryland today. Hopefully many of your readers will agree with the content and draft a letter to encourage Governor Hogan to take action.

Dear Governor Hogan,

Today I read a statement from the Chief of Police to the citizens within his community. He advised them that we live in different times. Troubled times – indeed violent times. Of this there can be no doubt. This Police Chief advised his citizens that he and his officers would do everything they could to protect them and prevent the type of violence that took place in San Bernadino from occurring in their area but that any response to such an incident by his personnel would be just that……a response. He encouraged them to be vigilant, to be aware of their surroundings. He encouraged them to say something if they see something. Then he told them the most important thing he could. He told them that if they were in an area when a terrorist attack takes place they would have to be responsible for their own survival. He advised that any of the citizens had concealed carry permits should carry their weapons everywhere they were permitted to do so because they may well be the only people in a position to end the situation and limit the carnage caused by these animals. He advised all off duty police officers to carry their weapons with them everywhere.

To me this was a profound statement.

I then read a press release from Worcester Co. Sheriff Reggie Mason. His message left me with an empty feeling. He stated that he and his deputies train and will keep training and will remain vigilant to do what they can to protect our schools. But that’s all he could say. It was a sad reminder that we, the citizens of the State of Maryland, have had our God given right of self –defense stripped from us. We have been reduced to being potential victims in an increasingly dangerous world by elected officials who believe that the police can protect us from violent criminals……even while the police openly say they can’t protect us. Self-defense is an individual responsibility. An individual right endowed upon us by our creator.

Some time ago we all saw a court ruling that Maryland’s requirement for a “good and substantial reason” to be shown is unconstitutional. We saw that the states Attorney General was going to appeal the ruling. And we’ve heard no more about it. Today I appeal to you, Governor. Is The increase in risk of a terrorist attack on the innocent law abiding citizens of our state a good and substantial reason to allow us to defend ourselves? Why do we need the approval of the government to defend our families against this increasing risk. How many of our citizens will have to lose their lives to meet the threshold of “Good and Substantial reason”?

I am a law abiding citizen. I work every day. I pay my taxes. I open doors for older people. I say yes ma’am and yes sir to my elders. I’ve served my country. I’ve never been arrested. I love my wife, my children, and my grandchildren. When I stand for the pledge of allegiance my eyes well up. I am an American! I am not a criminal and I have no desire to be but it seems you are leaving me no choice. I won’t stand by and cower on the floor waiting to be shot like 75 people did in Paris. I won’t get down on my knees and wait to be shot by a terrorist. The lack of a reasonable concealed carry law and an increasingly violent world have brought me to a fork in the road. Obey the law and run the increasing risk of being caught unarmed in a terrorist attack leaving my family and myself with no way to defend ourselves or break the law and carry a firearm without a permit hoping that I’ll never have to answer for it. I’m asking you…….I’m pleading with you…..don’t leave me and countless thousands of others like me in this position. I’m asking you to sign an executive order suspending the Good and substantial reason requirement and order your Superintendent of the Maryland State Police to begin processing all concealed carry permits forthwith. A very simple action that will enable good law abiding citizens all over the state of Maryland to join the ranks of millions in other states who currently issue concealed carry permits with absolutely no horror stories such as those promised by people who oppose firearms. Without any such action more and more law abiding citizens every day will be forced to decide between obeying the current law and becoming a possible victim of violent crime and breaking the law to protect themselves and their families.

Thank You


  1. Nicely done! Gov..Hogan. needs to move this issue forward and bring Maryland out of the liberal dark ages

  2. I have carry permits that allow me to legally carry in 42 states...just not the one I live in....how stupid is that?

  3. Excellent letter to our Governor. I hope it is taken seriously and we are given our right to carry back to all law abiding, responsible Marylanders. Ron

  4. Only two types of people in this world: leaders and followers.
    you sir, are the former.
    Great letter. But I'm afraid will fall on deaf ears.
    Like you said, you have to do what you got to in order to survive.
    As the old saying goes..."I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six."

  5. Until then maybe we should shoulder strap the 12 gauge which is LEGAL just to make the point.

  6. It's too early in hogans term to tackle this. He needs all his political capital. Do not expect him to make a move on this as it would be political suicide.

    1. Typical defeatist attitude. Surrender before the battle begins. You coward.

    2. Who would Trumps numbers be if he acted like that. This country is in desperate need of true common sence leaders with balls not more flip flop politicians.

  7. Wonderful letter and agree wholeheartedly, just hope Governor Hogan does something about this. If he doesn't all I know is a lot of people are going to be breaking the law because everyone I know is going to protect themselves and their loved ones.

  8. As a French born living in the US, I agree wholeheartedly with this letter written to MD's honorable governor. Too many have taken this opportunity to focus on gun control. In France there is no easy access to guns at all, yet, as you know 130 people were killed 3 weeks ago in a terrorist attack there, plus many more in different European countries where strict laws are the same regarding guns.
    This being so it is not wise for people to bring the gun control issue up regarding this US terrorist attack, since in the cases of terrorism it won't change anything.
    If having a 6 month old baby didn't deter them from carrying out their deadly terrorist mission, can anyone really think logically that they wouldn't have been determined enough to find weapons any other way. Common sense tells those who have it and aren't propagandized by liberal ideology that nothing will stop them.

  9. My friend the stage has been set. The terrorism experts acknowledge that they are here. They are imbedded in our communities and are now acting. We would be remiss if we didn't individually and collectively recognize these threats and prepare accordingly. We as civilians should be training to recognize the threats and how to respond. It may be anything from recognizing suspicious activity and calling police to recognizing a terrorist act that is unfolding and responding in a manner that would stop it, hinder it, or just get us and ours out alive. Right now the laws makes us easy targets for criminals. Its time we turn the tables. Who would be interested in taking classes on how to recognize terror threats and how to respond?

  10. I've made my choice and I'll be damned if I'll go down without a fight

    1. Amen brother! I'll rather die on my feet than live on my knees..

  11. Where would you get classes like this?

    1. The NRA class Personal Protection Outside the Home is a great class.

  12. Yes I would like to go to a class where you could learn more about terrorism. And I've made my choice too. If you see me in the mall I'll be carrying something that will move the odds in my favor. A class would def help

  13. Great Letter, I sure hope it helps. I'm surprised there are not more comments. You don't have to make it "to easy" just make it reasonably possible. I little bit of required training, at a cost of course, is well worth the permit to carry concealed. It won't help to have the permit if you cant handle the weapon or the situation. I know some who have no business with a gun but I'm not one of them.

  14. Some kind of training would help me know what to think about when something bad happens in a public place.

  15. Ok, to all of the folks who are so against the right to protect ourselves. "IF" you are ever in a situation where you or your loved ones are under attack, I promise you that you will be praying to what ever god you believe in that there's a good guy with a gun to maybe save your life. Think about that for a few minutes.

  16. I believe that Maryland is one of about 7 or 8 states that do not allow CC, how insane is that? That puts us in the same category as NJ and NY, typical liberal states. Hogan may be surprised how much the people would appreciate him signing an executive order allowing them to CC.

    1. You are 100% correct. Hogan needs to move on this soon.

  17. I agree with this letter and with the above stating I'd rather be judged by 12 then carried out by 6.

  18. Excellent letter to the Governor of Maryland. Lets hope and pray he can turn back requirements so the citizens of Maryland can defend themselves from this kind of threat. Liberals take NOTE - California has the strict gun laws on the books and it DID NOT stop this terror attack or from getting weapons that are banned. The main stream media is quick to not mention this fact to the public. Research cities and states that have strict gun laws and compare the violence/ homicide rates to cities and states that allow conceal carry, etc. for their citizens. The main stream media will never show these rates to the public.

  19. Think of this. Maryland will not let you protect yourself from a terrorist yet requires you to install a sprinkler system in your home in case of fire. These laws came under Democratic voters and should be overturned by people with an IQ over 50.

  20. "Ok....since we're anonymous here, lets start some dialogue. Lets learn from what the readers know.

    1) Pipe bombs can be made from any fast burning combustible material. Gunpowder, black powder, even thousands of match heads confined in a tight space such as a pipe with caps on each end, etc., can explode. The common denominator would be the material used to confine the combustible. Piping. Since most terrorists won't have the equipment to cut and thread small pieces of pipe (often called nipples) they will buy them. If you see people of middle eastern descent buying a large number of 8 or 12" pieces of 1 1/2" steel pipe at a home depot, you have seen something. Now say something. (Yeah middle eastern descent. Call me racist if you want. Sue me!)

    2) Suicide vests and belts are used almost entirely by jihadists. They are likely to use a different type of explosive. an explosive that burns more rapidly than gunpowder is needed so that a smaller amount can do more damage. The most common explosive used by terrorists (and that used in Paris) is known as TATP or Tri-acetone Tri-peroxide. Sounds like some seriously complicated chemical explosive, huh? Not really. The ingredients can be acquired off the shelf at the local hardware store and the local pharmacy. The process can be watched on any of a thousand youtube videos. The resulting product can be either ignited or detonated and can be used to detonate ANFO which is nothing more than ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (the explosive used during the Oklahoma City bombing). In order to explode TATP it doesn't have to be placed in a steel or plastic container. It burns so rapidly it can be confined enough to expode by wrapping it tightly in paper or just under its own weight if there is enough of it (self-confining). Again, if you see people of middle eastern descent buying one gallon cans of muriatic acid (or any type of acid) and one gallon cans of acetone, you may have just seen something. Say something.

    Understand that one doesn't have to be a middle easterner to be a jihadist. Whites and blacks alike are being identified as radical jihadists but right now the majority are from the middle east or of middle eastern descent. Deal in facts here, not political correctness.

    What else does anyone have to contribute?

  21. Excellent letter. The case is very well stated and accurate.

    And I would add this.. if they are going to willingly allow people from countries like Syria to come into the US, how can they possibly deny us our right to protect ourselves from the threat they may pose? There is ample evidence of that threat in the daily reports of violence in the other countries where they have gone, such as Germany.

    1. Don't allow them in. Close the borders.

  22. Give him breathing room folks.He can only do so much at a time.We've finally gotten a good governor and you people want everything at once.He will get to it indeed,and if the citizens of Md aren't too big of a nuisance in his first term he may run again.Just remember all of the years during which we were willing to settle for a Democratic Admin and the crap that came with it.We can be demanding AND patient at the same time.

    1. Yes we do! Most of us have lived under a tyranny for too long. We want our freedoms returned.

  23. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 5, 2015 at 10:15 AM

    Agreed 100%. Great Letter indeed. Governor Hogan is the man to get the job done.

  24. My grandfather carried a pistol for protection his entire life. He owned a business and frequently had large sums of cash deposits on his person. The man never applied for a permit because he knew it was his right to protect himself."Let a jury of my peers decide who is right after I save my own life". Lived until he was 95. Old school and hard as nails. I miss that man.

  25. Your comment was very well spoken, however I believe if you check with each of the Sheriffs from Queen Anne County to Somerset you will find that they all are in favor of concealed carry.

  26. NRA and Salvation Army (not sure if Salvation Army still give these classes) give gun safety classes.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's too early in hogans term to tackle this. He needs all his political capital. Do not expect him to make a move on this as it would be political suicide.

    December 5, 2015 at 7:53 AM

    I think if Gov. Hogan does it now, his political capital will grow substantially.
    We didn't elect him to play it safe and hide from the issue. My opinion is he should face it head on.

  28. Political suicide? I disagree. Leaders lead. Hogan is a leader. He must know that this terrorism won't be stopped by anything short of the death of the terrorists. That being understood, the most reasonable and practical thing to do is to assure that the law abiding citizen has the means to defend himself.

  29. He better hurry up because he won't be there too long. Look at MD's history of GOP governors. It's a short read.

  30. The blackout anger issue bothers me because during that time people do not know what they are doing,and we are all capable of losing it temporarily.Every single one of us can become so angry that we can do irrational things.With the increase of concealed carry permits fully expect the # of temporary insanity cases to at least double.The sad thing is that those people will have done precisely what the definition of temp insanity entails,except with a gun.A day after the incident they won't recall a thing they did and they were legally carrying when they did it.


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