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Thursday, December 03, 2015

2015 East Coast Lady Trooper Charity Softball Tournament

The Delaware State Police along with eight other states (Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina)throughout the east coast have distinguished themselves well with this year’s softball tournament and fundraiser. All teams have come together to play softball and demonstrate dedication to the communities they serve. This year the East Coast Lady Troopers have done an excellent job and raised $19,000.00. This will allow the Special Olympics of Delaware and Camp Barnes to receive $9,500.00 each. Everyone who participated in this year's annual charity event showed enormous support for two very significant and meaningful causes. The tremendous success was attributed to the spirit of good friendship and loyalty among fellow Troopers from other states working to raise money for local charities.

The Delaware State Police would like to thank everyone for a great tournament! Without the below sponsors and strong community support we could not have had this much success. Thank you!

Delmarva Power
Matt Haley’s Global Delaware Fund
Sports at the Beach
Delaware State Troopers Association
Jimmy’s Grill
16 Mile Brewery
Margarita Man
Commissioner Robert C. Coupe, Delaware Department of Corrections

“Thank you all for your excellent representation of the State and the Delaware State Police. This event was more than a Charity Softball Tournament; it was reflective of the many ways that law enforcement continues to be actively involved in our communities. Most of all thank you to our Troopers for representing the State in extraordinary fashion. We are all proud of your accomplishment. Congratulations!”

Colonel Nathaniel McQueen, Jr.
Superintendent of the Delaware State Police
"The event filled weekend hosted by the Delaware State Police allowed us to accomplish our fundraising goal. Without the support of several individuals, many organizations, law enforcement agencies and the communities throughout the state this would not have been possible. I would like to thank all those involved on behalf of the Delaware State Police Women Softball Teams for a wonderful event. The support from our fellow troopers and the community helped support these amazing charities, Special Olympics of Delaware and The Delaware State Police -Camp Barnes."

Captain Melissa Hukill
Delaware State Police

During the opening ceremony Master Corporal Chris Popp and his son Brendan threw out the first pitch.

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