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Saturday, December 19, 2015

$1.6B Omnibus to Resettle Illegal Immigrants Through 2018

Awards $1,645,201,000 for ‘refugee and entrant assistance activities’

A massive appropriations bill expected to be approved by Congress would provide more than $1.6 billion to resettle illegal immigrants arriving at the U.S. border through 2018.

Congress would award the massive check to the government just as the U.S. isexperiencing a surge in arrivals of immigrant children at the southern border. Last week, federal agencies said they were opening two temporary shelters with 1,000 beds in South Texas to cope with the surge. A 400-bed shelter is also to be opened in Southern California.

“Out of an abundance of caution, the Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department of Health and Human Services has begun a process to expand its temporary capacity to house unaccompanied children,” the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement last Monday.



  1. and social security can't get a raise, vets sleeping on the street, people hungry, homeless, yeah makes sense

  2. Establishment republicans sold us out again!! THIS is why Trump is going to win the presidency.

  3. Trump 2016!!!! Make America great again. God bless America

  4. Also in this bill was an addition to citizens united allowing companies to not only give unlimited money to politicians but now they do not have to disclose how much and to who.This is not our country anymore

  5. Go The Donald! IDIOTS!

  6. Even though they appropriated the money, maybe they can do some legislative maneuvering in the new year that will prevent it from being used.
    So Ryan can say they kept the promises Boehner made (not that they should have), and yet they still do the right thing for the country.

    Am I dreaming here? Probably, but one needs hope.

  7. We need to go to Washington with guns and clean house!

  8. IN the meantime American children go to bed hungry and without proper medical care.


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