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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Why Wasn't This "Racism" Shown On National Television Mr. Obama? WARNING: Foul Language


  1. It's a shame that teachers are afraid to fight back in schools. This is why we need police officers in schools.

    Was this student punching the teacher after he put him on the ground?

  2. This is what happens when the liberals take corporal punishment out of the schools.

  3. Obama plan total disruption.

  4. Next week they're both in class - one will pull out a gun and shoot the other.....I would rather the teacher be armed in this case....the thug is a waste of oxygen!

  5. The poor teacher is a punk also. That is all you will see in schools, punk teachers and most of them are liberal.

    How embarrassing for a teacher to let a student spank them.

    1. Your funny. Teacher fights back he is fired.

    2. In my day a teacher would drill you through the wall.

  6. What in the world does Obama have to do with what is and is not put on television? Get a grip.

    1. You must live in his world.

    2. Really you liberal fool, Obama is the Major instigator on winding up African American punk thugs.

  7. People need to start learning Brazilian jujitsu

  8. Anonymous said...
    What in the world does Obama have to do with what is and is not put on television? Get a grip.

    October 30, 2015 at 2:31 PM

    Are you really that stupid you Libtard Left Wingnut! You are just as guilty of treason as Obama is for voting for him. Get a grip.

  9. Yep all you clowns are right. Teachers get paid too much ..let me see you fools go in and teach these animals

  10. To anyone criticizing the teacher, to he11 with you. If the teacher does anything to that kid in self-defense - anything - he loses his job. Period. I know someone who reprimanded a kid and was dismissed. No physical contact, no cursing. But the teacher is gone. Their loss.

  11. If any little savage animal puts its hands on my wife who is a teacher, no one will ever find the body.

  12. If he had a carry permit, and that happened,the kid would be in access of the gun, the teacher would have been in fear for his life, and he would have been shot dead, ending the competition before any injury to the teacher.

    Makes for a happy life.

    Simple math.


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