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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Why a Georgia sheriff posted this ‘politically incorrect’ welcome sign

Drive through western Georgia on State Route 116 and you might notice an unusual declaration on a welcome sign: Harris County is not politically correct.

The sign, which went up earlier this week, cheerfully welcomes visitors to the county — and then warns them.

“WARNING: Harris County is politically incorrect,” the sign states. “We say: Merry Christmas, God Bless America and In God We Trust. We salute our troops and our flag. If this offends you … LEAVE!”

Harris County Sheriff Mike Jolley put up the sign because, he said, over the years he has seen “the silent majority” grow even “more silent.” He thought it was time to speak up.



  1. How can a sherriff put this up ?

    1. He can put it up with the consent of the 'majority' of the people in the county in agreement and not letting a minority of people control the county! Thats how!! Any other stupid questions?

  2. How can a sheriff put this up ? Some hand art in lettering , couple of post holes , paint and sha-Zam , it's there 9:24 dummie!

    1. A sheriff cannot put this up it has to be the town or county, whats next let him start building anything he wants ? And if so can he build it on your property 1005 ? Dummie.

  3. Love this guy God bless him. He put it up with freedom of speech in mind.

  4. With a shovel, hammer and nails. Thank you sheriff for reminding us that USA is a Christian country based on Christian beliefs and values.

    1. Maybe the sheriff can tear down your home and build a POLICE station on his own without your permission? Think foool.

  5. I love it! Why can't all the counties in the USA do it!!!!!

  6. We need these at our US borders and international airports

  7. I'm pretty sure that the county sign shop made it and county employees planted it. Good for them.

  8. If the majority in his county allows it, it stands. There are still plenty of true patriotic Americans who stand up for the Constitution.

  9. 1107 is obviously a libtard


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