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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Why Are Men Frightened of Marriage?


  1. It's called modern women. Who wants to deal with the baggage!
    Don't have to be married anymore to get the benefits and you can walk away anytime! The system makes it easy for this. Only complication is if there are children involved.

  2. Come meet my wife. That's all the reason you need to not get married.

  3. But admittedly us guys were the enablers for the modern woman syndrome.They could not have become what they are were it not for our willingness to allow it and contribute to it.

  4. 10:14. Seriously!? Wake up. It's not 1950 anymore.

  5. The most powerful female sexual appetite reducer is wedding cake!

  6. Unhappily Married For 12 Of My 15 YearsOctober 29, 2015 at 11:25 AM

    Guys want what our great grandparents had. Love, trust, respect, and encouragement in a world of predefined roles. Ladies aren't what they used to be when they have balls and unimaginable ideas of how they want their spouse to be (man/woman/undefined) while unrealistically living in the delusion that men won't ever recognize the nightmares that a marriage will inevitably bring. Guys are wiser than you ladies expect us to be and are upset when we don't fall for it.

  7. The problem is the women's liberation movement along with radical feminism has pitted men against women. You can't have a good marriage if both sides are always against the other.

  8. My oldest son has given up on the idea of marriage. Too many of them are only interested in career first and have unrealistic expectations of what they want from a marriage. No wonder so many men with means look outside of this country for a wife from Eastern Europe or Latin America!

    1. If a man has to "buy" a mail order bride, he's probably going to get no more than he paid for.

      There are plenty of sane, decent, loving women out there, but not enough men who truly deserve them.

  9. You don't need to get married now to get regular sex, it is available on your smart phone with just a swipe of your finger.

  10. a picture of hillary or Pelosi in all hotel rooms as mandated by the democratic party has ruined the sex drive of many americans and forever scarred young couples minds

  11. Because there is a growing tendency of women to marry some guy with the intent of divorcing later and gaining a maintenance "penson" for the rest of their sorry lives.

  12. 3:09-Your smart phone must be smarter than mine.

  13. 3:09 Works even better without the smartphone in the way.


  14. because a sane loving girl friend is a rare find .

  15. When a man is openly "shopping for a wife", smart ladies know that is a HUGE red flag...and to carefully get to know him, slowly, while checking out his background. Find out why his last wife is glad to be rid of him.

    I'd rather have a man who take marriage seriously enough, not to jump right into it, than one who sets his sights on me and starts campaigning for a commitment of marriage too soon.

  16. Anyone who thinks getting married is "guaranteed sex" has never been married...


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