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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Where Virginia, Maryland stand in rankings of state corruption

WASHINGTON — Maryland and Virginia score Ds, but are showing improvement in a state-by-state ranking of corruption and integrity problems.

The study by the Center for Public Integrity and Global Integrity graded states in 13 categories, ranging from political financing, to executive accountability, to procurement, to state civil service management.

According to the study, reported by USA Today, the least-corrupt state is Alaska, which only scored a C.

Although 11 states got Fs, the worst score goes to Michigan. According to the Center, Michigan’s state government is built on “an honor system with no honor.”



  1. All of the corruption in both states come from welfare programs. That's the gift that keeps on giving. Without welfare half the states could cut their work force in half. Welfare WAS to give people a little help to get back on their feet. PERIOD!!! Not given illegally to non citizens. Not given to families for generations. Put limits on the time you can collect like they do unemployment.

  2. Center for Public Integrity and Global Integrity... Washington is full of worthless people doing worthless things

  3. One C and two C-. All the rest D or worse. That's really, really special!

  4. 8:44 AM

    thats a pretty broad blanket you are weaving there, and one that is not true.

  5. Maryland is a pool of government corruption.

  6. Illinois is ranked 13th? Really?

    I think they've put there last 4 governors in prison and the pension fund is so bankrupt that it will never survive, not to mention NOBODY gets state contract unless you make a payoff.


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