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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

✯ We Must Destroy ISIS - U.S. Armed Forces vs ISIS ✯ - President Ronald Reagan Speech

1 comment:

  1. Those were true presidents of these United States.

    The Peanut-Man, Slick Willy, and the Kenyan Traitor have done nothing to grow our country in posture or respect and have collectively done so much damage to the same as to be almost unrecoverable.

    The leaders we elect in the next cycle have a daunting task ahead of them - regardless of the party they represent....:

    Bring this country back to its former glory and respect among the other nations in the world!


    Continue the destruction of this country in spite of the remaining patriots that continue to fight for it!

    Be very mindful of who you vote for in the coming elections - we may not have the best candidates remaining after the debates - but we have candidates that are showing their true patriotism (or lack) and are willing to bring this country back from the socialist and entitlement existence we have been taken in to!


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