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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Washington Post's Weigel: Liberal Media Bias a Reality 'Not Worth Disputing'

Liberal media bias is a fact that "is not worth disputing," Washington Post national political reporter David Weigel admits.

Asked during an appearance on "The Hard Line" on Newsmax TV about the growing perception among Americans that there is rampant liberal bias in the media in the wake of the heavily-criticized Oct. 28 Republican presidential debate hosted by CNBC, Weigel acknowledged to host Ed Berliner that "I think there's a cultural bias on social issues, definitely. A bias [that determines] who gets into the media. That's not worth disputing in my view."

"The idea that the media is just an amorphous ideology-free organism that has no bias whatsoever, that's not worth pretending about. There are reporters who work to be that way but the climate we come from, the education we have, etc. leans people in a certain direction. "


1 comment:

  1. So many things seem totally absurd. I believe it is what they want


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