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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Violent Brawl Breaks Out in Detroit Classroom — Only One of the Fighters Is a Student

At Detroit’s Mackenzie Elementary-Middle School, one science classroom was turned into a wrestling ring.

This fight was not the usual fisticuffs between the stereotypical duo of disagreeing teenagers. Instead, this brawl happened between a female student and her teacher.

According to WJBK-TV, the teacher, Ms. Burns, got upset because students were throwing paper at her. But when a student allegedly called Burns a “bitch,” the teacher lost control.

Burns believed that student to be seventh-grader Diamonique Singleton, despite Singleton’s denial that she ever called the teacher any name.



  1. The teacher pushed her away.....but I didn't notice the teacher actually hitting her. Kids are out of control.....years of the liberal agenda in the schools are not coming back to haunt them.

  2. I don't know what you watched but the 7th grader was destroying the teacher. Good thing she is black and not a cop.

  3. So you think a teacher can't hit a monster attacking them? What planet do you live on?


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