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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Video Shows Officer Breaking Up Fight Between 2 Teenage Girls

SUITLAND, Md. (WJZ) — A fight at school between two teenage girls. Now the aunt of one of the girls is getting involved. The fight broke out inside Suitland High in Prince George’s County.

Marcus Washington explains the aunt is furious over the way a school officer intervened.

A student witness recorded the incident on his cell phone. When the aunt of one of those girls saw the video, she says the officer went too far, assaulting her niece.

The shaky, one-angle video shows two girls fighting inside the halls of Suitland High School in Prince George’s County.

While hard to see at times, an aunt of one of the girls says the fight turned from ugly to appalling because she says a school security officer then started assaulting her 16-year-old niece.



  1. I suggest that after every school suspension, a parent (or in this case the aunt) should be required to spend a week in school with the child. The parent should be required to attend all classes with the child and sit with them at lunch. I bet that the behavior would stop.

  2. Too bad, your niece shouldn't have been fighting in the first place, you overlooked that fact.

  3. He surely didn't pull her hair anymore than the other girl.

  4. A couple of undomesticated animals sent to school.
    What a P.O.S. to defend your rabid "Children"

  5. Never their fault, can't take responsibility for their actions, when the sh*t hits the fan and starts to get ugly, it's always someone else's fault and if I blame the authorities, I might get something from them. Ridiculous!

  6. They are animals.
    They don't respect anything except violence and who can bring the most of that to the table.
    I'm tired of ghetto losers and their loser 27 year old welfare-for-life "mother" suing everyone in sight because she and her daughter are nothing but walking, talking trouble and complete failures. And will ALWAYS be that.
    If I had gotten in a fight and the POLICE(!) were called AND I refused to follow their directions, it wouldn't have mattered AT ALL what the fight was about or what the police did to me.
    It would PALE in comparison to what my parents (plural, for you ghetto losers "who don't need no man" (a CHECK will replace him) would do to me.
    Now, instead of a very serious and prolonged ass-whipping and sincere apologies to the authorities for causing such a ruckus and being such a punk loser, the FIRST thing these animals do is scream "you had no right to be touching her!!' I'm going to need a big check for having that girl when I was only thirteen and incapable of running my own life, much less a baby's, too. It ain't MY fault she is a ghetto loser!".
    What's the biggest indicator of a future full of arrests, multiple illegitimate children, violence and welfare dependency?
    Single motherhood.
    The gold standard of life in some cultures.
    Keep cheering.


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