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Friday, November 13, 2015

Video: Rand Paul Makes Trump Look Foolish

Even Haters Agree Paul Came Out As Runaway Winner Of Latest GOP Debate

A strong debate performance by Rand Paul last night earned respect even from those who have been relentlessly attacking him, the highlight being when Paul fact checked Donald Trump and made the frontrunner look like he had no clue what he was talking about.

As Trump was mid way through an aimless rant about China taking advantage of the TPP agreement and manipulating it’s currency to weaken the US, The Kentucky Senator chimed in to remind everyone that China is not a signatory to the TPP.



  1. Rand Paul Another Career Political man that wants to keep on living on us so called hard working tax paying people, Americans.

  2. Ronald McDonald would make Trump look foolish. He's a parody of a politician.

  3. I hate H. Clinton. Trump really messed up today while blabbling about his belt. So embarrassing. Who do you vote for. The Democrat party are full of greedy pigs and liars. Republican party are full people who really lack people skills with the middle class and the poor. They all talk about helping the middle class. But not enough about the poor class. They all speak well about illegal immigration. But, what are they really going to do about illegal immigration. I can't find a candidate on either side track (Democrate or Republican). I guess I will not vote this time around.

  4. 11:37, many of us share your pain.

  5. That's why Ben Carson is running, 1137.

  6. Refusing to vote doesn't solve anything. Hold your nose and vote for the one you believe is the lesser of two evils.

    1. Ok. Cool. Then, I'll have to go with.... I really have to give this some serious thought. I love the Republicans. I switched over from the Democrat Party. I love Mr. Trump.

  7. 11:37, Same here...I would not be able to cast any vote at all this election...depressing. We are in so much trouble. Trump/Carson supporters hate Hillary so much (understandably) or are basically just sick of the whole process and because of that, they will vote for anybody who makes the strongest argument about how much they hate her. No good ideas, just saying what they think people want to hear. We are in serious trouble regardless of who wins. God help us!

  8. 1124-Rand Paul is an eye doctor, who's been a practicing eye doctor for over 20 years. But, you're probably a Trump voter who can't comprehend...


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