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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Turkish F-16 shoots down Russian fighter jet near Syria border

A Turkish F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian war plane near the border with Syria Tuesday in an incident that raises the possibility of conflict between Moscow and NATO.

A U.S. official confirmed to Fox News that the Russian Sukhoi-24 was downed by an air-to-air missile near the town of Hatay, north of the port city of Latakia. The official said the aircraft's two pilots ejected from the plane and were last seen trying to evade capture.

The official added that the Russian jet was warned three times to depart Turkish airspace.

A statement from Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's office said the Turkish leader spoke with Turkey's military chief and foreign ministry about the incident. It said Davutoglu would start "initiatives" within NATO and the United Nations.



  1. how do you like that, Putin. I hope the people in the Ukraine are laughing their you-know-what off today. What a jerk.

  2. Good to know that an F-16 can take out one of their fighters......

  3. Good to know that somebody in this world still has the balls to stand up to Putin because the "leader of the free world" has proven time and time again that he doesn't. It's a sad day in world history when Turkey and France are the leaders and America is just a sideshow.

  4. And so it begins - WWIII ? ...

  5. Let's see how bad ass Russia is now!

    1. You really are a very special kind of stupid.

  6. Turkey in NATO = fox in O's henhouse

  7. You people are so uneducated it's comical. Turkey is more of a problem than Putin to the safety of our troops in the region, not to mention a funnel for terrorists into Syria, you know Isis the same one's John McCain was photo opping with a couple years ago.

  8. Turkey was under pressure to do this by the US and NATO. They wouldn't have the nerve to do it on their own.
    God Bless President Putin and Russia and the GOOD American people who do not support the devil obama and to hell with the evil obama and those who support him. There IS a special place in hell for obama and all the horrid useless eaters who support obama.

  9. Putin finally has gotten what he wanted. Hitler did the same thing with the Poland. His troops drew them into a fire fight so he could justify his full scale attack. And so it goes.

  10. I can't wait to see how Putin handles this and I hope Obama takes notes. Face it. If Russia wasn't in Syria, it would have been one of our jet that got shot down. In Turkish airspace or not, I'm glad it's on Putin to handle this one!

  11. You don't have to put leader of the free world in quotes anymore. That is how he sees everything. The world should be free. Take take take without giving back anything.

  12. Sounds like they shot the pilots also. Poking the bear with a stick.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You people are so uneducated it's comical. Turkey is more of a problem than Putin to the safety of our troops in the region, not to mention a funnel for terrorists into Syria, you know Isis the same one's John McCain was photo opping with a couple years ago.

    November 24, 2015 at 8:58 AM

    You are correct. Turkey is in cahoots with the 'terrorists' as is Saudi Arabia, Jordan to a lesser extent, but do you want to know who is pulling all these puppets strings? Good ole DC.

    We are not fighting terrorism, we are orchestrating it. Is it any wonder then why this so-called war on terror has dragged on for over a decade? And Russia goes in and in a matter of weeks does more to them than the US and its allies combined.

    It's time to face facts, which are readily available from our own government documents/reports. Just type in "Salafist in DOD report" and you can view it for yourselves and it will lead you to others. Here is just a snippet:

    The newly released DIA report makes the following summary points concerning “ISI” (in 2012 “Islamic State in Iraq,”) and the soon to emerge ISIS:
    Al-Qaeda drives the opposition in Syria
    The West identifies with the opposition
    The establishment of a nascent Islamic State became a reality only with the rise of the Syrian insurgency (there is no mention of U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq as a catalyst for Islamic State’s rise, which is the contention of innumerable politicians and pundits; see section 4.D. below)
    The establishment of a “Salafist Principality” in Eastern Syria is “exactly” what the external powers supporting the opposition want (identified as “the West, Gulf Countries, and Turkey”) in order to weaken the Assad government
    “Safe havens” are suggested in areas conquered by Islamic insurgents along the lines of the Libyan model (which translates to so-called no-fly zones as a first act of ‘humanitarian war’; see 7.B.)
    Iraq is identified with “Shia expansion” (8.C)
    A Sunni “Islamic State” could be devastating to “unifying Iraq” and could lead to “the renewing facilitation of terrorist elements from all over the Arab world entering into Iraqi Arena.” (see last non-redacted line in full PDF view.)

  14. 7:32am That is what I was thinking when I first heard this news. I guess all we can do is wait and see how it all plays out.

  15. 7:32-An undeclared WW3.The powers that be think that if it isn't actually named and declared it isn't WW3.It actually has been for quite some time.

  16. "be the first one on your block
    to have your kid come home
    in a box"
    Country Joe
    They will still need something to start chanting "USA!" "USA! "USA!" and crank up the money fountain of war. YOUR kids will help them, if you know what I'm sayin'.....
    What's it gonna be? An attack on New York? Some train somewhere? A CHURCH? A coordinated attack?
    Something's gotta happen. Think of the jobs, for God's sake!
    Keep cheering.


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