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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Trevor Noah Mocks Police Fear of Being Filmed: 'Phones Down, Don't Shoot'

The Daily Show takes on the bogus "Ferguson Effect."

Even though it's been roundly debunked by a half-dozen media outlets and criminologists, many on the right—including Obama's own FBI director—keep pushing the "Ferguson Effect," the idea that increasing scrutiny of police officers is somehow causing them not to do their job and leading to an increase in crime. Despite the meme's popularity, there's only one problem: it's just not true.

"People claim that the police are unable to do their jobs because they're afraid of being caught doing their jobs badly," Noah said. "And this is a big problem, unless you deal in 'facts,' in which case it's not a problem at all."

Noah went on to cite a recent study by the American Psychological Association that says, "it is too soon to blame crime increases in a handful of cities on the 'Ferguson Effect,' especially given that crime has been trending downwards for more than two decades."

Never mind. The Ferguson Effect feels real to right-wing pundits on Fox News who keep bringing it up almost every day. For the fact-based community though, the reality remains.

"Being videotaped," Trevor said, "shouldn't be the thing that questions whether or not you do your job."

Watch the clip below:



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