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Sunday, November 08, 2015

Today's Survey Question 11-5-15

How do you think Jim Ireton would do 
in a race against Andy Harris for Congress?


  1. I hope the Democratic party will have enough sense not to allow him to run!
    It would be interesting to see him defend this actions as mayor of Salisbury.

  2. Lolololololololololololololololololololololol

  3. Is it April fools yet! No chance. I suspect he will quit the council like he did last time once he does not get his way. Bone headed move SBY.

  4. I wish Andy would have this type of competition when ever he would run. This is such a joke . Of course Ireton has just proven he is mentally ill.

  5. I think he would suck as a congressman.

  6. lose badly. Harris is an established politician with lots of money to back him.

  7. Andy Harris would annihilate (sp?) him! he is such a failure. So glad I don't live in Salisbury because I would be ashamed!

  8. "He also finished" isn't that what is said about a lame horse in a race?

  9. Think the state senator from OC would be interested and cream the mare in the primary. But both would have a hard time getting votes from the western shore part of the district. Harford county has bigger population who use more sense electing officials the folks in Salisbury.

  10. He's got such a big ego and just thinks he is wonderful but if he only knew what most people think about him and his temper tantrums he wouldn't even want to be in public.

  11. I would so love for him to run and see how he would be crushed--Harris would make his stupid head spin

  12. He would only get the gay vote! What an arrogant ego maniac. No one respects this fool. I wish he would run to get embarrassed.

  13. Ireton would lose. He's only done well in Salisbury because for the most part the voter block consists of semi illiterates, looking for handouts and never get out of a 30mi radius to see how it is in the real world. Ireton would best be served to seek employment as a bar stool tester. He's real good at that and everyone knows how jazzed up he gets when a new watering hole opens in Salisbury. He's right there grinning ear to ear testing out the bar stools. Day comes in a close second. It's something to see. Never seen people get so excited over a watering hole. You'd think it was some Fortune 100 company moving their headquarters to Salisbury the way they act. Very low standards.

  14. Crash and Burn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Idiot

  15. Well thats an easy question.....Ireton is a jackhole. His ideas are ridiculous. His background is questionable at best. Eff him and his pretty pink pony he rode in on.

  16. Some like to call it an ego, I prefer false bravado. False bravado is the courage to say outlandish statements after consuming 19 bottles of beer.

  17. Hey everyone that voted for him, how do you feel about him already ready to dump this position for another position elsewhere? Even he can't wait to get out of slumsbury. Oh sorry, it's the "bury"

  18. He could win it if he had an endorsement from O'Malley. That's how dumb Democrats are.

  19. We need a more sensible GOP candidate to run against Harris. That's the real answer.

  20. anon 12:21

    i was thinking the EXACT same thing! he just USED the "FEW" people that actually voted for him as a stepping stone.

    so i know there are some Jimbo supporters that come here and read these posts... so lets here it from you!

    what are your feelings about the queen announcing to BAIL only minutes after winning the election???

    be honest... for a change

  21. Ireton doesn't have a chance.
    With that said. Andy Harris has to go. We need a new republican to run against him.

  22. Please find us another Democratic candidate!!

  23. Andy Harris has done a great job for our district. He keeps in touch with those who want to keep in touch. If you have a problem, he is available to help you. Andy uses the common sense God gave him to lead his district.

    As far as Jim is concerned; an arrogant, clueless man can only fail...

  24. 207 cupcakes voted for him.

  25. Jim has 2 star makers in his court, Chuck Cook and Jackie Wellfonder. All 3 are the laughing stock of the county. He also has William Duck and the Demond guy to get out the vote for him. Pity no one takes any of them seriously.

  26. I would love to see Ireton run against Harris and see Ireton soundly beaten. Ireton doesn't stand a chance when the voters go to the polls. Unlike Salisbury where only a few voters show up.

  27. Our country is in deep doo doo if this idiot gets anywhere close to winning , of course it's that way now , but the democrats can't see it.

  28. It would be hard for him to win, since he can't stuff the ballot box like he did here.

  29. Ireton is a 'Legend In His Own Mind'

  30. The machine will be working for him, but it won't be able to boost him beyond Salisbury. He doesn't have the stones or the intellect or the respect for people to be worthy of the big leagues. He's all about himself, nothing more, just like his idol, Hillary.

  31. LOL... Hahahahahaha.... LMFAO

    Maybe he will get the Gay Vote. NOT!!

  32. Anonymous said...
    Ireton would lose. He's only done well in Salisbury because for the most part the voter block consists of semi illiterates, looking for handouts and never get out of a 30mi radius to see how it is in the real world. Ireton would best be served to seek employment as a bar stool tester. He's real good at that and everyone knows how jazzed up he gets when a new watering hole opens in Salisbury. He's right there grinning ear to ear testing out the bar stools. Day comes in a close second. It's something to see. Never seen people get so excited over a watering hole. You'd think it was some Fortune 100 company moving their headquarters to Salisbury the way they act. Very low standards.

    November 5, 2015 at 12:10 PM

    You call 207 votes doing well? You're an idiot!

  33. 2:20 PM
    Was it just the ballot box he 'stuffed'?

  34. Anonymous said...
    Please find us another Democratic candidate!!

    November 5, 2015 at 1:05 PM

    Only an idiot would admit they are still a Democrat. Idiot

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He could win it if he had an endorsement from O'Malley. That's how dumb Democrats are.

    November 5, 2015 at 12:32 PM

    If that was the case then Anthony Brown would be Governor today you moron. Not to mention that O'Malley is barely mentioned as a contender for President. Speaking of this maybe that is what Liarton wants, O'Malley to make him his running mate.

  36. First, I don't think Ireton could even win the dem's primary for the 1st district seat. But if he did, consider that the 1st District is pretty much the entire eastern shore of Maryland, plus Cecil & Hartford county, right?

    That isn't exactly Ireton's type of people. Harris would win in a landslide.

  37. He is just running a loser race to position himself to be Gansler's running mate in 2018. And who the hell on election night where voters put you into office announces your intent to run for another office? It is unbelievably childish and typical Jimmy Boy. Had a few and wandered over to WBOC's camera. What a loser. His shenanigans will get him in trouble sooner or later. Gansler would be a fool to entertain the thought with his past (civil assault, beach escapades and citation by police). But maybe they should take him in Annapolis and leave us alone in the 'bury.

  38. "You call 207 votes doing well? You're an idiot!

    November 5, 2015 at 3:22 PM"

    This comment is stupid. It is being said that roughly 10 percent of voters voted. No one has a clue how many registered ELIGIBLE voters are in Salisbury and you can bet it is a lot lot less then what are on the roles. Just because someone is registered doesn't mean they are still eligible to vote 3:22 so don't be so idiotic to assume that 204 is a weak number. With 80 percent rentals in Sby you can be certain without any doubt and not assuming that the voter roles are extremely inflated with those not eligible to vote anymore. You can bet that there are people on there who have been dead 5 years or more. SU students who graduated and moved away just as many years ago.

  39. 5:15
    Get this straight...'voter rolls (not roles). Who is stupid? And 207 votes for the flamer is pretty lame

  40. The locals only vote for Ireton because he has name recognition from being the mayor. I'm sure they know nothing about him, except "yeah, that name sounds familiar. I'll vote for him because I've never heard of the other candidate". That's the mentality of his voters.

  41. I do not think he would win against Andy Harris. I remember saying he would consider Lt. Gov. if asked to serve. Remember that? Now he is saying he may eye Congress.

    What Jim Ireton has very loudly declared to the people is, he is only serving in Salisbury to make a name for himself for higher office. Any office. He doesn't care. "Something. Anything. Just give me higher political office so I can feel important."

    For anyone to vote for him with this being so clear is really just terrible. I do not know how those people sleep at night. Or maybe it is they who want to feel important, thinking that if he runs enough, he may get into some position and they want a personal friend in that position. That is just as bad. Shame on them.

  42. WOW - He is dreaming if thinks he has chance - this dude thinks a lot of himself

  43. Who is that stone faced frown on her face person standing next to goofy Jim?

  44. What is his proudest achievement ? How did this benefit the tax payer ?

  45. 7:12, Coming out of the closet. While he did an immediate interview with a gay magazine right after he was sworn in, he claimed he was the first openly gay Mayor in Salisbury's history. Many have said since then, where did he announce he was "openly gay"?

  46. Always a treat to see a loser lose without loser voters keeping them in office.He'd get it handed to him against Andy Harris.

  47. I hope he runs. Then, the rumors about underage boys will be investigated.

  48. 200 votes...some student council races have more votes than that. It's sad that's how Salisbury's leadership is decided. To Ireton: he is a narcissist and it's all about him. To walk up to a reporter and talk about running for Congress and the votes of the Council race aren't even certified is pathological. I agree with the previous posts. It doesn't matter to him what the position is - he just wants the spotlight. We saw his true character in the Chambers matter - that poor woman. Ireton acts like a 5 year old having hissy fits when he doesn't get his way or if someone doesn't agree with him. And it's no secret he scours the local television stations for newbie reporters to take under his wing if you will. Sad. Actually sick. Very sick. But in Salisbury we just doesn't know any better. Do you think his act (and that's what it is) would be tolerated in Baltimore or Annapolis?

  49. when people read this crap they will understand that voters get what they deserve.Perhaps the nasty hateful comments are from those who are the epitome of the people who vote, how many of you worked for a political candidate? worked in a volunteer organization. helped your neighbors, your town your city your state?

    do you think that your attitude is somehow linked to your lack of respect for yourself as well. trashing a person publicly serves no purpose I am ashamed that my fellow residents behave and talk so much trash. Jimmy is a public servant, and like him or not perhaps you should read (if you can read) the dictionary meaning of the compound word then the word patriot You would not have liked John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington,Alexander Hamilton, Monroe, Madison,Burr, Paul Revere, Thomas Paine, or any of the founding fathers. they were each very much their own men, but you have "freedom" because of them. "shut up and sit down" quote: c cristie

  50. Uh Oh! Someone must have aroused Jim off his perch at Market Street. "Public servant"? On his election night to his council seat his first words are - of course - about him and his ambitions. He didn't race to that WBOC reporter to tell him or her what he would do for the district. No. Our "public servant" blabbed on and on about running for Congress. A race that is only intended to raise his profile in Maryland. He knows there is no way he will beat Andy Harris. Not a chance. You are ashamed that "my fellow residents behave and talk so much trash". Ok Jim or Jim's drinking buddy... how about Mayor Ireton's behavior in treating Chambers in his hissy fit or getting nabbed trolling Rehoboth Beach. Don't lecture the rest of us about your buddy. His behavior is the issue.

  51. 9:08 p.m., for you to utter George Washington, John Adams, etc. in the same breath as Jim Ireton is nauseating.

    Many people who complain about him have worked for political candidates - a tough thing to do in Salisbury with personal vendetta officials like Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton.

    Ireton is mean spirited and willing to publicly trash regular citizens for disagreeing with him. He has done more of that, defaming his opponents and being a star self-promoter than he has been "a public servant."

  52. 207 votes and they were all rigged by his buddy Chuck Cook and his connections in the state Democrat club.

  53. There are a few employees that Jake Day needs to get rid of based on Jim Ireton's reign of terror and corruption.

    Leading the list is:
    Tom Stevenson - City Administrator
    Julia Glanz - Asst. City Administrator
    Chris Demone - City PIO
    Barbara Duncan - Police Chief
    Sarah Meyers - Poplar Hill Mansion director
    Rick Hoppes - Fire Chief
    John Tull - Dep. Fire Chief
    Ben Rayne - NSCC
    Dru Bragg - whatever at NSCC

    This is just a few of the employees that have been hired or appointed through corruption and should have never been hired. If there are name omitted please amend.

    Now let's see if Jake Day has the balls to make these much needed and important changes in order for this city to move forward.

  54. Anonymous said...
    2:20 PM
    Was it just the ballot box he 'stuffed'?

    November 5, 2015 at 3:23 PM

    No he got stuffed, he always advertised as a bottom on craigs list.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Get this straight...'voter rolls (not roles). Who is stupid? And 207 votes for the flamer is pretty lame

    November 5, 2015 at 5:51 PM

    LMAO... Thank you!

  56. Anonymous said...
    I hope he runs. Then, the rumors about underage boys will be investigated.

    November 5, 2015 at 8:13 PM

    That should happen now. Do you hear me Mike Lewis? Yes some of this happened in the County School system and he lived in the city so Barb isn't going to investigate.

  57. "I'm a teacher, I'm a son, I'm an uncle, I'm a brother. All of those things have to go into your considerations," Ireton said.

    Ha Ha ... That Butt Buddy will never be a daddy that's for sure.

  58. WBOC also reached out to Roger Mazzullo, the man Ireton defeated in the 4th District city council race. Mazzullo also sent WBOC a statement which read:

    "No one should be surprised since he deserted the council position 19 months after he was elected the first time."

    Well let's hope he doesn't last that long!!

  59. 4:14am
    You got that wrong. All those WMDT and WBOC reporters he lures home will call him Daddy all day long!

  60. My computer is acting up. This is my full post. Ireton's activities should be investigated: going after young men at the school district, bobbing for boyfriends at the tv stations, the above post said Craigslist ads, beach goings on late night with random men.... any other big city and he would be investigated and run out of town. But here in the 'bury it's all fine and good. We deserve what we get.

  61. I think Andy would win he just looks faster.


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