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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Today's Survey Question 11-25-15

Are you staying home 
traveling for Thanksgiving?


  1. Staying home this Thanksgiving. Have been traveling the past two weekends so looking forward to time at home!

  2. Staying home and Wednesday today is our son's birthday. There will be only a few of us, the oldest 95 and the youngest 41. We wish you and yours everywhere a Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. We are scared of immigrants therefore we are staying home.

  4. Expect the upcoming photo's of Martian oddities to include a group of humans sitting around a Walton's style table.That will be my clan.Our ETA on Mars will be at app 11AM on Thanksgiving day and everything will be pre cooked prior to our departure from Earth.Our alien transport will allow us 3 hours for festivities and will provide the bubble in which we will spend that time,complete with adequate oxygen within.Since we won't be subject to the opposing forces that NASA copes with during space travel we will return to Earth at app 3PM,also on Thanksgiving day.Expect to see 6 people in the photo.

  5. We stay home. I invite my family, do all the cooking(don't come into the kitchen unless you're getting a drink, if so, then you better top me off ;), and watching football. My favorite holiday.

  6. home. I don't even like driving to the grocery store around here the way these idiots TRY to drive

  7. With good friends locally.

  8. I’m a little bored and need some excitement. Gonna make a large mixed drink and head over to Walmart around 5:30....

  9. 11:37. That is perfect!!!!


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