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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

This Meme Sums up the Hypocrisy of Leftist Media Attacks on Ben Carson Perfectly

Dr. Ben Carson has been enjoying a rather meteoric rise in the polls over the last month or so, and with success in the political realm comes heavy scrutiny, particularly from left-leaning media who see no greater threat to their agenda than a super smart black conservative.

Last Friday, the hacks over at Politico put together a deceptive hit piece designed to apparently make Carson look like a bald-faced liar.

Such a weird saying. What the heck does having hair on your mug have to do with honesty?

Anyway, the piece didn’t have the effect they desired it to have, basically blowing up in their faces as more and more people began looking into the story.

Strangely, when Barack Obama was running for president, these “investigative reporters” were nowhere to be found.



  1. Where is Obama's College records that were investigated by the media?

  2. Obama is only half black so that is the reason.

  3. Obama never registered for the Selective Service...by law he cannot hold any position in Government...he should pay back the foreign aid he received as a student too..

  4. STILL has those records sealed.
    Has NEVER explained how he is using the SSN of a dead man from a state he never ever even visited.
    Has NEVER explained why he registered as a foreign exchange student.
    The media has a GOLD MINE of things they FAILED to "investigate" about obama, but is spending untold hours and dollars fact checking something that happened FOFTY YEARS AGO???
    And there are still people who deny that the mainstream media is in the pocket of liberal democrats/socialists?
    keep cheering.


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