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Monday, November 23, 2015

The ‘Refugee’ Crisis Is Jihad By Another Name

Immediately following the Islamic State terror attacks in Paris that killed and wounded hundreds of people, French President Francois Hollande rightly declared them “acts of war” deserving a “merciless” response.

This latest act of violent jihad, however, stems directly from another form of jihad, one that has been underway in Europe for decades but has ramped up dramatically over the past year.

It’s called hijra.

Hijra is a core part of jihad going back to the Prophet Muhammad that involves Islamic conquest through migration. The objective is to overwhelm non-Muslim territories with Muslim populations until they achieve domination through sheer numbers. No weapons necessary — until they gain enough control.

At least one of the Paris jihadis originated in Syria and registered as a “refugee” through Greece. This is less a “refugee crisis” and more an occupation.

Several weeks ago, I traveled through Central Europe and witnessed firsthand this Islamic tsunami.

Across Austria and Germany, I saw tens of thousands of people pouring in, with few constraints on their whereabouts and behavior. It was clear that it was only a matter of time before the chaos turned far more convulsive and violent.

Let’s be clear: Some of them may be fleeing war and persecution, but most are not.

Read more here


  1. Interesting that a large mosque in Fairfax County, VA, known for some 'negative' activity is called

    Dar al Hijrah

    That means 'Land of migration' (or 'invasion', depending on how you look at it.)

    Kinda like planting a flag there. Pretty bold.

  2. These refugees are not what our gov't tells us. I just watched a video of a woman who experienced these people first hand at a train station overseas. She is fluent in Arabic and knows the koran by heart she said and knew what they were saying behind everyone's back.

    They are indeed a virus and if allowed to come here, we will be 'infected'.


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