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Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Beginning Of The End For The Affordable Care Act? Largest US Health Insurer May Exit ObamaCare

Tracking the slow motion trainwreck of Obamacare has become one of our preferred hobbies: below is just a random sample of headlines covering just the most recent tribulations of the "we have to pass it to find out what's in it"Unaffordable Care Act:

In Latest Obamacare Fiasco, Most Low-Income Workers Can't Afford "Affordable Care Act"
The Stunning "Explanation" An Insurance Company Just Used To Boost Health Premiums By 60%
Your Health Insurance Premiums Are About To Go Through The Roof -The Stunning Reason Why
Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865
Largest Health Insurer On Colorado Exchange Abruptly Collapses
Co-Op Insurers Across America Are Collapsing, And Now There Is Fraud
"$19,000 Premiums, Up 4x Since Passage": The 'Crippling Effect' Of Obamacare On The Middle Class
Meet The Family That Just Spent Half Its Annual Income Paying For Obamacare

But the most surprising article we wrote was our explanation from three weeks ago explaining why "Your Health Insurance Premiums Are About To Go Through The Roof" showing that even insurance companies have been unable to earn a profit under Obamacare, as shown in the following chart:



  1. SAY WHAT???? OH No You Don't...

    Wait till my "Cell Phone and Chief Obama" hears this....

    He will make you stay!!

  2. Rush Limbaugh predicted at the start of Obama care the insurance companies would get a taxpayer bailout soon and was right on,bend over for another reaming.


  3. Just part of the plan. Then it is single payer all the way.

  4. Obamacare was designed to fail from the start. The government creates a problem, and then offers a solution to the problem (i.e. single payer)

  5. "Then it is single payer all the way.

    November 21, 2015 at 3:28 PM"

    Not ever ever going to happen, ever EVER. This because health insurance companies are big business who dole out money and perks left and right to the politicians. There are a handful of larger companies who are profiting heavily from Obamacare. The democrat plan is for every single type of business whether it be insurance, retail, Big Food, all services, etc etc to be controlled by a handful of big companies. Obamacare is just another way to get rid of the smaller competition. When there is less competition, then employees can be controlled, prices set etc which equates into more control over the population. It's what the communists did. Unfortunately America is now made up of a populous "educated" by the government school system which has been intentionally dumbed down so no one gets the drift as to what is going on.

  6. Obamacare added 10,000 administrators to the existing system. What the heck did they expect to happen?

    Oh, and Mr. Single Payer? How is that any different? It still adds 10k administrators!

  7. 4:12 PM - How is single payer different? Well, for one thing, the entire non-productive, parasitic, for-profit health insurance industry would disappear.

  8. I lost my doctor I had for 35 years because of Obamacare.

  9. 4:53

    To be replaced by non-productive, parasitic, for profit government bureaucracy. So that they can take the profits from those who pay for insurance and distribute it to those who don't. Yeah, that's exactly what we should want.


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