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Friday, November 20, 2015

Thank God Its Friday 11-20-15

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. as little as possible

  2. Waiting, and preparing for another attack on our liberties and freedoms.

    Molon Labe

  3. This evening - 3rd Friday
    Tomorrow - food shopping for Thanksgiving
    Sunday - church - going out with family for dinner
    Watching country music shows on RFDTV
    prayers - for Larry Black and Joey Feek and family

  4. JUST trying to survive..... Like so many other people.

  5. Just trying to survive under the tyranny of Obama the Muslim. By the our president Obama is the biggest threat to Americans so wake up people.

  6. Taking it easy before having to dive into a cooking frenzy. I'm not complaining because I love it. I did cheat this year and bought frozen pie crusts.

  7. Working all weekend and getting drunk.

  8. Taking two asprin prior to going shopping.

    Praying for our country, and for all those souls who lost their lives needlessly.

    Be safe, and make certain you are aware of all those around you when out and about.


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