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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Terrorism Deaths Quadruple Under Obama

The worldwide number of annual terrorist deaths has more than quadrupled since President Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009.

Deaths from terrorism increased 80 percent last year to an all-time-record of 32,658 people killed, compared to 18,111 in 2013. The number is up about 426 percent from the 7,654 killed by terrorists in 2008 under President Bush, according to the latest report from ‘Vision of Humanity.’

The 2014 economic cost of 13,370 terrorist attacks in 93 countries included property damage, medical costs, lost income for victims, and the indirect costs of preventing and responding to terrorist acts. The annual “Global Terrorism Index” report estimated those costs hit an all-time-high in 2014 of $52.9 billion.



  1. Obama, though a total fool, is not in charge of the rest of the world.

    1. You just won't give him credit for arranging the death of some many terrorist, people who hate American's then ANY President.

    2. I'd give this POS more credit if he didn't sit there and watch 4 American heroes get murdered. Go back and smoke some more holiday crack!!!

  2. Obama calls terrorism work place violence that says it all. He touts the killing of Osama as his victory when in fact the information of his whereabouts came from water boarding used in the Bush admin a tool that Obama outlawed.

  3. 6:09-Good point,but all around us we see those who think the US rules the rest of the world.Maybe that's part of why they hate us so.What if we had never become involved in any foreign affairs unless their actions were a direct and unavoidable threat to us? That would not have suited the control freaks but it would have suited the average American just fine.


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