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Tuesday, November 24, 2015


What could possibly have prompted this assignment?

A ninth grade teacher in Utah gave students a homework assignment this week that had parents outraged and has caused a stir online. Just days after the horrific terror attacks in Paris, the unnamed teacher sent kids home to research and create propaganda posters for terror group ISIS. The assignment was eventually canceled, and the school has issued an apology.

What could possibly have prompted this assignment? Here is what the school said in their statement, via Fox 13 in Salt Lake City, which broke the story and sent it viral on Facebook:

“Salem Junior High recently learned from concerned parents of an assignment regarding extremists use of propaganda to spread untruths and misunderstandings. Upon learning of this assignment, the administration reviewed the concerns with parents and teachers. After consultation, the assignment was immediately withdrawn. If parents have any concerns, please call the administration at Salem Junior High.”



  1. Kids need to know the power of propaganda if they're to survive, and not find out about it by becoming victims. They get doses every day on TV and internet, so it's important that they be able to sort the wheat from the chaff.
    These are incredibly impressionable people, and the better tools we give them to discriminate between good and evil, smart and stupid, knowledge and ignorance, the better off we'll all be.

    This teacher may have had that in mind, but the plan was absolutely faulty.

  2. 11:27 I agree with you but for one point. Teach your kids what you have learned. You can not count on the school to teach your children your particular version of morality. While I want my children to grow to be strong individuals they can not do that with out firm guiding principles. I will most certainly talk to my child about propaganda but only after I have made them the aware of my own firmly held beliefs and why daddy is considered a nut by his idiot liberal in-laws.

  3. Teacher is a terrorist sympathizer and should be shipped the Middle East sand pit to be with his or her people.

  4. 12:04 PM -
    Wow. You got that from the article?

    11:46 AM -
    Totally agree. Education begins at home. Teach your children well.

  5. My first reaction is to ask if the teacher is a muslim and also was the teacher fired and if not why not? I just don't believe that teacher didn't understand just exactly what he or she was doing.

  6. Sun Tsu(sp?) taught "know your enemy". He was right. As an intelligent functioning adult I should know my enemy. My children however have no reason to know this info. They do not need to be exposed to this until later. I do not teach islam at home and I do not want to see it taught in schools.


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