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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Taxpayer bill to resettle 35,000 Mideast refugees: $2.3 billion

It costs U.S. taxpayers nearly $65,000 to resettle one Middle Eastern refugee over the first five years, which is 12 times what it would cost to care for that same refugee in a neighboring country in the region, according to a new study.

The Center for Immigration Studies cites “heavy welfare use” as the main reason why refugees are so costly to resettle. This flies in the face of oft-quoted comments by U.S. mayors who claim refugees add to their tax base and promote economic growth, making for a more “culturally diverse” and “economically resilient” city.

The CIS study indicates they are more of a drain on the economy than a boost.

The $64,370 cost to U.S. taxpayers over five years is a “conservative estimate” presented in a new study released by CIS’ chief researcher and statistician.


  1. Only cost that much, and that is probably an estimate tat best and I am sure it will rise... I mean we can't have thee middle east young women a girls coming here to fight us now can we?

    Oh that is right, it is not women and young girls it is average middle aged men coming to fight us, so I am sure it cost more than what they are saying...

  2. Why are we still sending foreign aide to these countries. No foreign aide should be going to countries we are being forced ,as Tax Payers, to take refugees and illegals from. We are forced to pay for their welfare here. The Middle East Countries should also be paying us, since they are oil rich.

  3. We are so doomed. No escape for the true hard working Americans. This is all borrowed money people!!!!!

  4. I am so sick of people complaining about those who do not want to take in the refugees from the Middle East. I could care less, I don't care if they are from the Middle East, Australia, or Timbuktu, we have people in our own country who don't a home to sleep in. Especially veterans who we shipped to war and then just dump when they come back home and have problems relating back to regular life. I can not think of one good reason as to why we should put the well being of other countries people before the well being of the people who defend our country???????????????It logically makes zero sense.

  5. TO 4:03 Did you vote for him ????


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