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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Sweden Facing Collapse Due To Massive Influx of Refugees

Sweden has long been considered one of the most peaceful and prosperous nations on the planet. However, that prosperity is rapidly dissipating as hundreds of thousands of refugees move into Europe. And according to Sweden’s foreign minister, Margot Wallstrom, they’ll do more than just hurt her nation’s standard of living.

“I think most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year – in the long run, our system will collapse.” Rather than asking her government to restrict immigration, she has since called on other EU nations to accept a higher percentage of the refugees. As it stands now, Sweden is taking in more migrants as a percentage of their population, than any other EU state. Now ethnic tensions are brewing as arson attacks against refugee centers become more frequent, and crime rates soar in cities with high migrant populations. However, the refugee crisis is really just the straw that broke the camel’s back.



  1. Like us - they NEED to restrict immigration! The financial impact of providing for so many that don't/won't/can't produce for the economy is something that our country already knows - and we're not controlling it either!

    1. So true. These immigrants leave their own country because the lack of....? They bring those same conditions to every country they enter. That's why we don't want or need them. Now, the world is experiencing our woes.

  2. There will be no more Swedish Bikini Team.

  3. It's the culture that they bring and won't part with that is the biggest problem, especially when it becomes a political football.

  4. "Refugees and immigrants, here's how we do things in this country. If you can't do the same, please start your own country, like we did, but far away from us. Call us when you're ready for diplomatic relations."

    1. I think that Greenland is ready for them. It's about time that it became a nation.

  5. They wanted it who cares and screw them.

  6. America is facing collapse for largely the same reason.


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