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Friday, November 13, 2015

SPD Press Release 11-13-15 (Shooting Investigation)


  1. Lucky go be alive.
    No further description of suspect?

  2. Bullet must have bounced off.

  3. Drug dealer stuff. No biggie. Cops don't care about it, mayor and city council don't care about, why should I?

  4. I heard that idiot at Wicomico Central dispatch an ambulance and a fire truck for this call. When they responded the idiot said "Be advised Trooper 4 is available if needed."

    LMAO!! A couple of blocks from the hospital and that clown checked to see if the helicopter was available. What an idiot! I am surprised he didn't dispatch the fire boat.

    Bob Culver are you listening. This guy needs to be fired! Obviously Shipley isn't doing his job and needs to be fired also!!

    1. Yep your a real winner. They like to be prepared in case an injury is to severe and would require the patient to be flown to shock trama. Being prepared is not a bad thing. They did not dispatch the helicopter, they just advised that it was available if needed.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Lucky go be alive.
    No further description of suspect?

    November 13, 2015 at 12:34 PM

    I heard it was a white guy.

  6. @326 - 'light skinned black male'
    can you read??

  7. A couple block from a hospital. What if upon arriving a cop/emt was shot and wounded. They might life flight someone to Balto. Dispatch advised that it was available if needed. It wasn't dispatched. Seems like everyone that cannot do the job wants to tell those that can how to do it.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @326 - 'light skinned black male'
    can you read??

    November 13, 2015 at 4:26 PM

    It was a joke you idiot. Don't you have a sense of humor? Your grammar is poor by the way.

  9. Anonymous said...
    A couple block from a hospital. What if upon arriving a cop/emt was shot and wounded. They might life flight someone to Balto. Dispatch advised that it was available if needed. It wasn't dispatched. Seems like everyone that cannot do the job wants to tell those that can how to do it.

    November 13, 2015 at 5:01 PM

    If you knew what you were talking about you would know that Salisbury doesn't "life flight someone to Balto." You ignorant Moron. Where are they going to land, on the fireboat!! Trust me moron I can do the job, but obviously you can't.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yep your a real winner. They like to be prepared in case an injury is to severe and would require the patient to be flown to shock trama. Being prepared is not a bad thing. They did not dispatch the helicopter, they just advised that it was available if needed.

    November 13, 2015 at 5:12 PM

    Look you HillBilly Voluntir Farmin PRMC is a trauma center and patients are taken there first to be stabilized first. They may not have dispatched the helicopter, but they wasted time contacting them to see if they were available. Those clowns that have been over dispatching need to be fired. They need to be fired and so does their director and supervisors.

  11. Another Salisbury drug punk assassination attempt.
    Somebody was stepping on somebody's business or owed a load of cash or was doing somebody's woman or this was a final gang initiation hit. Same story, same idiots, same ending.


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