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Monday, November 16, 2015

Salisbury City Council Update

Jack Heath, President
Laura Mitchell, Vice President


  1. I'm thanking God that Ireton was not elected for these offices.

  2. Laura mitcHELL awwwwwww will she get a welfare decrease for the increase in council pay ?

  3. who cares! They are nobody! Complete corruption Wasn't Laura or isn't she on Maryland Medicaid!

  4. If she is still getting Welfare and Medicaid that she is committing fraud!!! Woman in Virginia just was jailed over state fraud.

  5. Ok Laura, consider yourself reported - Now whoever is responsible for seeing that something gets done - do it.

  6. Maryland has a "FRAUD" hotline.

  7. Smack in the face you deserve, Laura. Junior member over you for top spot. No extra money for you.

    As for Ireton, he gets to sit back and enjoy keeping his placeholder position as he runs for something else on the taxpayers dime. And your second minority seat didn't go to a minority, so it never was about that. True colors shown by Ireton.

    To Tim Spies, thank you for your service. You were too good for them.

  8. Tim Spies I am going to miss you buddy, but if you got out and campaigned you would have won it for us. That's correct FOR US! We needed you and you let us down.

  9. Tim did not let anyone down, the voters let everyone down. Thank you Tim for your service - never again will the Council be as it once was with you, Debbie and Terry.

    1. I agree Tim was the best council member for Salisbury ever, it is Salisburys loss and will be the ultimate demise for the bury, good luck tim.


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