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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology


  1. People keep confusing Islam with religion. Islam is not a religion, it is a political ideology and as such it has no business in this country.

    1. That is precisely why Islam is so dangerous.

      Like a deadly fungus, destroying the obvious rot and decay isn't enough. It will lie dormant waiting for the right conditions to explode back to life, unless even the sleeping spores are eradicated as well.

      This is the only way to prevent this vile incarnation of evil, from harming anyone ever again.

  2. If it were only 1%, there would be 1.5 million. One half of one percent, 750,000. And so on.
    Any percentage is too great. Islamism (as did fascism, communism) looks to control everything and destroy all in its way.

    We must be strong.

    1. I agree. Permitting Islam to camouflage itself as a religion, does nothing but allow a cancer to grow unchecked as it metastasizes.

  3. and the symbol we see on most of our available tv channels...even the weather channel.


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