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Monday, November 09, 2015

Principal sends scathing email to parents hosting teen drinking parties

WASHINGTON – “Find another way to bond with your child. Please.” Those are the words of a Bethesda high school principal sent in an email to parents who he says are hosting drinking parties for their kids.

“It’s really hard to fathom how some people are still making these poor decisions,” says Walt Whitman High School principal Alan Goodwin.

After hearing of multiple drinking parties last weekend hosted by parents of students, he sent an email to the parents’ listserv pleading with them to stop.

“All principals will have safety programs at their schools. They’ll have speakers, put up posters. They make appeals to parents and kids, but there’s still some people who don’t get it,” he says.



  1. Parents need to be arrested for contributing to the delinquency of minors. Stupid, really stupid of parents to do this.

  2. No worse then the City of Salisbury that promotes alcohol use among the SU students. That was the whole purpose of the trolley. Load SU students up, haul them Downtown so they can get wasted. I'm not naive and I know the students will get drunk but for the City to promote alcohol use is beyond irresponsible and quite disgusting. Adults are supposed to be in charge of the city and not promoters of young irresponsible kids getting drunk.

  3. Whitman HS is in one of the highest priced real estate districts in the State ...I guess when Governor candidate Genzler was allowed to host a HS booze party... the elites felt they earned the same right. The Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office is remiss if they let this slide especially because Genzler is from the region and they trumpet the act as a huge crime when someone is killed

  4. It's much better for the kids to go drink somewhere unsupervised and potentially drive drunk. It is absurd that at 18 yrs. old you can purchase gun capable of killing people, join the military and be trained to kill but you can't legally drink alcohol.

  5. Just invite all the parents over as well and then it is 100% legal.

  6. 1:11 , you cannot purchase a gun at 18 anywhere in the U.S. .

  7. Drinking occasionally with your parents is a lot less damaging than a 13 year state madated brain washing and tax theft program. I started drinking heavily right out of high school instead of going to college. 4 years of drinking left me smarter and in less debt than most of my friends who went to college.
    So let me get this straight I can go to 13 years of state mandated "education" were you only learn distorted facts, leaving with no marketable skills, even ones nessasary to live in this country (how to pay taxes, how to defend yourself in court, or even what the laws are.). Then they say go 4 more years and you can be anything.
    When I have a kid, I will be more likely to have a beer with him than waste his childhood and intelligence in the public school system. I mean you have to have the talk with kindergartners now because otherwise the schools will try to send them home gay.


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