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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Police: Deer runs through lounge at Salisbury University

SALISBURY, Md. (AP) — Police say a deer ran through a lounge at Salisbury University.

Lt. Brian Waller of Salisbury University Police says the deer ran through a window at the Guerrieri University Center on Monday afternoon. He says after it was briefly trapped inside the building, it exited through another window.

Blood stains were left on the windows and on curtains. Footage captured by witnesses shows the deer jumping over furniture and ramming into windows.



  1. "A statement from university police says a university officer euthanized the deer because it was significantly injured."

    Wow! I wonder if he will get another bullet?

  2. "A statement from university police says a university officer euthanized the deer because it was significantly injured."

    I wonder how long it took that security guard to find that bullet in his pocket?

  3. That "security guard" you say.... they have their own police force that are mostly experienced officers from other agencies! Glad to see you post just out of ignorance...

  4. Anonymous said...
    That "security guard" you say.... they have their own police force that are mostly experienced officers from other agencies! Glad to see you post just out of ignorance...

    November 5, 2015 at 3:15 PM

    Yes I am very familiar with that "police force" you say... and I am very familiar with the mostly experienced officers" from other agencies. Yes their experience as you say is not comparable to "experienced" police officers. They bailed out of their "real" jobs and took jobs at the university as glorified security guards. They bailed out because they couldn't hack being a real police officer handling real crime. If you can prove they are a real police force that performs real police functions then please let us know. How many murders and rapes have they handled? How many armed robberies and shootings have they handled? How many MVC's have they investigated? How many mutual aid calls have they handled? How many DUI check points have they participated in? How many task forces has those officers participated in? How many calls have they handled in the City of Salisbury, Wicomico County or unincorporated areas that the MSP needed the Salisbury University "police force" to cover for them because they were extremely busy. Please, please, please do tell us. If you can't, I can. Try None, Zero, Zilch, "0!" The are little chicken shit bastards that don't want to handle real police calls because they are scared. They want to wear a gun and badge and say they are cops, but that is as far as that goes. They feel complete now. There police chief has been their for to long and has caved in to the liberal ways of the School President. With her warped views on gun control I find it strange that the guards still carry guns... Glad to see you post just out of ignorance...

  5. 143... you are a disgruntled officer it seems... maybe it's time you make a career move... your a miserable pos... have fun with yet another rediculous post!

  6. 143 do you work for the city, county or most likely the state,since you noted how extremely "busy" they are??? At 143 am I would imagine your on the clock, tax payers dime... and posting on a blog and neglecting your "real" police duties. Shouldn't you have a dui, shouldn't you be assisting on a mutual aid call, shouldn't you be gathering Intel for the task force? Shouldn't you be serving the community, since and handling all the rapes,murders, shootings and mvc's that the "little chicken shit bastards" aren't handling.... oh, let me guess, you have had "zero,zilch, none"... Take your whining elsewhere and do your job....


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