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Thursday, November 05, 2015

ONE can of Coke a day can increase the risk of heart failure by 20%

Drinking just over one can of sugary drink a day dramatically increases the risk of heart problems, researchers have warned.

A study of 42,000 middle-aged men found that two 200ml soft drinks each day was enough to increase the chance of heart failure by 23 per cent.

The research included fizzy drinks, sweetened fruit squash and other drinks with added sugar or artificial sweeteners, but did not include natural fruit juice.

The study fuels growing concerns that sugar is contributing to a number of health problems.

The UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition warned this summer that adults halve their sugar intake to consume no more than 30g of sugar a day - just seven teaspoons.

That is less than that in single 330ml can of Coca-Cola, which contains 35g.

Experts have previously linked sweetened drinks to changes in blood pressure, diabetes and stroke.



  1. So from now on, I'll only tell the folks I dislike to have a coke and a smile!

  2. Ohhh pleses who cares.

  3. There would be even more deaths and negative health and social problems if Coke still contained its original ingredient, cocaine. Along with all of our addiction-enhanced tobacco products, it would have been the top "gateway" drug.

  4. I'm thinking about how many full blown diabetics I know who swill can after can of this stuff like water thinking "It's only a Coke".

  5. 7 teaspoons is 35 grams, not 30. Which are they recommending?

  6. You have the Coke, I'll do the smiling.

  7. I'm sending a 24 pack to several people tomorrow.

  8. Will the act of buying or giving somebody a Coke be seen as an act of aggression or an insult?

  9. I think Diet drinks are far worse. As Michael J Fox about his Parkinson's brought about by his over consumption of Diet Pepsi? Aspartame is on of the worst neuro toxins out there.

  10. I am glad Coke is what Obama drinks, we actually have a chance of him dying.


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